date night

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(Author note: this is based of the Criminals minds episode with the same title, I really liked the show)

Tarn: okay this is an interesting universe

Otto: in what regard?

Tarn: a hand full of you guys are like the royal knights, above standard police, but you guys work as a team to profile these unknown subjects

Tarn: this universe has Elsa I'm it

Garfield: I thought I killed her

Tarn: she's not dead in this universe, now let's begin

We see Subaru walking in a room with Federica and Wilhelm looking at him

Subaru: catch me up

Federica: early this morning Petra was given a picture from an anonymous women

Federica pulls up a screen showing a picture to Subaru, but away from the audience

Wilhelm: she's Clearly not trying to hide her face, telling us she's got nothing to hide

Tarn: they are like the royal knights, above standard police, and you guys work as a team to profile these unknown subjects

Subaru: any idea on the victims of unsub

Federica: no, only the unsubs demand, that we release Elsa in 24 hours, I'm having her transferred here for questioning, but we have no illusions, this is just a game to her, We know that question is do we want to play it or not

We see Elsa walking in chains and a mussel, as she walks past Garfield, Otto, Julius, Ram and petra

Garfield: she's a contract killer?

Garfield: a what?

Tarn: someone paid to kill someone

Petra: yeah, but she's much much more then that to

Ram: she's a black widow, she prays on men she can seduce, she thrives in psychological seduction

As Elsa is taken into a room with Subaru waiting for her, as she is let out of the chains Julius starts to explain more

Julius: her body count is never confirmed, but it's believed to be in the hundreds


Chrusch: hundreds of dead people

Otto: she's one of the most dangerous criminals, we've every arrested and she is obsessed with Subaru

As Elsa sits in the chair infront of Subaru, she waves at the guard

Ram: he's the only man to out smart her

As the Subaru and Elsa just stare at each other

Elsa: [chuckles] classic negotiating technique first one to speak loses right

Subaru: you arranged the kidnapping 0f two people, and you did the same way you did it before, through a partner on the outside, but her demand 'release Elsa' that is never going to happen, so tell me what you want, before I send you back to prison

Petra: Subaru doesn't like her does he

Tarn: no, because of things that happened to him in the past because of her

Otto: what did she do?

Tarn that is a unfortunate answer

Federica: why?

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