Chapter 10: The Calavera's

Start from the beginning

I follow her outside, the though about running crosses my mind but when my gaze falls upon three men with guns I decide to sit on the chair the woman points me. I look a bit around me and bit my bottom lip in nervousness. We are sitting at a little table with food and the woman across me is calmly cutting some fruit.

'Do you know me already?'

I shake my head. Then I feel a sharp stinging pain in my cheek.

'Au, what the-'

'Better figure it out soon.'

I look at her in disbelieve and cup my cheek, when I retrieve my hand I see blood on it in some sort of line. The woman is missing the knife she was just using. Did she cut me?

I though my cat spirit thing would protect me? Wasn't that what Void had told me?

'I know what you are thinking. You didn't catch the knife because we used mistletoe on you.'

Au, Araya! Why did you do that?

Your spirit won't always protect you. Not when I use mistletoe. You need to be less reckless gatito!

She's younger... I'm older... this is a memory of another life...

I snap out of it when the woman, Araya? asks me the question again. 'Do you know me already?'

I could be wrong of course, and I don't know what happens then, but seeing she's twirling another knife between her fingers I better say something.

'Araya Calavera. I know you from another life.'

She smiles. 'Very well gatito. That didn't take you long. But you were always the smart one weren't you. We were such and amazing duo.' She stares at me with narrowed eyes. 'Would you believe me if I told you we were friends?'

'You're a hunter, shouldn't you have killed me? You didn't kill me, right? No, I don't think I would believe you, you kidnapped me and you changed my phone login code!'

'Actually, Carlos did. But I guess I'll just have to make you remember.'

Oh oh, now she looks threatening. She starts saying something in Spanish and suddenly two of the three men flank my sides while the third one nudges me forward with his gun. This doesn't feel very good. It's probably gonna end up bad. I don't like this. I just hope Void can find me, or anyone. Would they even be looking for me?

Before I know it we enter a basement. I get pushed against a metal mesh panel and tied up against it with my arms above my head.

'Don't worry, it's hurts more than it looks like.'

⚠️!!! trigger warning. They are gonna shock her and torture a little for information. If you don't wanna read, skip to the next long white space and this ⚠️ sing !!!

Wait what? I suddenly scream. It happens before I can think of anything else. It's like I placed my hands on a wire with electricity. Such a wire people have to keep animals in a certain area. Only where I normally let go and it's just a little shock, this keeps going on until my throat feels hoarse from screaming. I grit my teeth, refusing to scream more. Even though my vision is blurry from tears and pain.

Araya looks at me with no emotion. 'Más' (more)

Before I know what happens the pain increases. And then my whole world slows down. I can hear the laughing of two people in the distance. Imagines play through my head like those confusing flashbacks in movies. I know the main language is Spanish, yet I understand everything perfectly...

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