Chapter 6: Meggy Gives Birth

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Mario: Hey, sweetheart!

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Mario: Hey, sweetheart!

Meggy: Mario...

Mario: How are you feeling?

Meggy: My... stomach... is killing me...

Mario: You'll survive.

Meggy started to get teary.

Meggy: *sobbing* I'm... scared...

Mario: Why?

Meggy: *sobbing* What if something bad happens to them?!

Mario: I'm sure nothing will happen, just think about positive thoughts.

Meggy: Hmm...

Mario: How's your bath?

Meggy: It's nice and warm.

Mario felt the water.

Mario: Oh yeah, that is nice and warm.

Meggy: Ow...

Mario: Aw, love...

Meggy: *panting* The... pain...

Mario: Come here.


Meggy: Thanks, love...


Mario: It's a bit weird seeing you fully naked in the hot-tub.

Meggy: Warm bath...

Mario: My Pingas feels funny...

Meggy: It always does when we're in the bath together, back at home...


Pio: I still can't believe I won the Poker tournament, am I right?

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Pio: I still can't believe I won the Poker tournament, am I right?


Saiko: You do know Meggy is about to birth to your Grand-children, right?

Pio: Oh yes! I also can't believe I'm about to have Grand-children, tonight!!!

Shroomy: Well, it's actually past Midnight... Mario and the others left this castle for about...

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