The Mess - Chapter 7

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Adrien's pov

"Let me explain." I cried in fear. Alya is scary when angry. "Well explain." She growled. "I can't here. We need to go somewhere private." I said trying to convince her. She sighed & groaned. "Fine." She said throwing her hands up. She stomped off yelling for me to follow.

We walked into apartment building & to her apartment. We walked past her mom. "Hey Alya I thought you were with Marinette?" "Mom can you make sure everyone stays out & away from my room?" Alya said clearly angry. Her mom gave me a look that clearly said 'You are doomed.' I followed Alya into her room as she slam the door.

She grabbed her desk chair & sat in front of the door. "Speak." She said simply. "Ok when Marinette first confessed to me. I didn't know she was ladybug-" "Then why did you reject her!" Alya interjected. "Can I finish?" I asked earning an eye-roll "I didn't know she was ladybug. I found out after we fought the slim Akumatized. She passed out & ended up detransforming & that how I found out. & for the past two months Everything that I have said & done I've meant. The reason I revealed my identity to her is because I didn't want to keep lying to her. Because I'm in love with the person that is behind the ladybug mask." Once I finished I look at Alya, she had a conflicting expression.

"So you rejected her before you knew she was ladybug?"


"Then you decide to get close to her as Chat Noir?"


"& after two month when she's over Adrien & has feelings for Chat Noir. You think it's a good idea as Chat Noir to tell her, that you love her & who you really are."


I suddenly realized how that sounded. I felt so stupid. "Look I didn't mean it in that way I swear." I said looking at Alya. "I get that, but she thinks you did it on purpose." Suddenly we heard a large crushing noise & screams.

We ran out of Alya's room & to the window. People running away from something, but we couldn't see what. I ran past Alya's mom & to the stairs. I ran down the stairs, through the front doors to see an Akumatized in the distance. I had in an ally way & transformed. "Plagg claws out." I yelled as my suit appeared in a green light. I jumped from roof top to roof top until I could see the Akumatized. The villain had black hair in a single ponytail, blueish grey skin, an black & blue outfit & a red scarf around her waist.

Suddenly Rena Rogue appeared next to me. "Where's ladybug?" I asked. "I don't know, but I can help." I nodded & leaped down in front of the tristesse as she shoot blue bubbles at me. I blocked them with my staff. "Hello Mrs.Blue was it you in the parlor with the bubbles." I said trying to get her attention. "I'm Lady Worthy & no one is worthy of a happy ever after." She said charging at me. I jumped out of the way as Rena Rogue created her Illusion to distract her. I looked for any clue to where the akuma may be. "Chat Noir look at her hand!" Rogue yelled. I looked to see something that broke my heart.

In lady worthy's hand was the lucky charm I gave Marinette years ago. "Rena Rogue evacuate the people." She nodded & left. I jumped down in front of the Lady worthy. "You're not worthy of you power, Give me you're miraculous!" She yelled shooting more bubbles at me. "For the person who hurt you, I'm sorry it happened but you can't hurt other to feel better." I said dodging & reflecting her shots. "You know nothing you're not even worthy to protect this town." She yelled grabbing me staff & uses it to throw me into the Canal.

I swam to the edge, finding Lady worthy standing over me. "Cataclysm!" I yelled as my hand swirled with a black destructive power, causing her to jump back immediately. "Chat Noir gi-" "yeah I know give you my miraculous, I'm not worthy of it. Blah blah blah I said climbing out of the water. I spotted Rena Rogue behind lady worthy waving to get my attention. She made for copies of me as I jumped around blocking & dodging her shots again. She started to get confused, shooting in the directions of the copies. I took my chance & grabbed the lucky charm.

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