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the past week had been amazing in ziggy's perspective. it was the same routine.

ziggy would go to school, at lunch ziggy and madison would make out in a janitors closet, then after school ziggy and her would do something like go to the roller rink and laugh at 9 year olds falling or go to the mall even though ziggy despised shopping.

eddie had also found out, it was quite obvious to him.

the best part was, mason wasn't back at school yet.

his parents hadn't pressed charges against ziggy, and mason was in the hospital with a broken nose.

his buddies still were at school. and they would pick on ziggy a lot more.

as ziggy had left lunch, she went to the bathroom to wash her hands.

she took out a very small bottle in her pocket and dumped out the two pills in it.

she filled her cupped hand with water then popped the pills, swallowing the water behind it.

ziggy threw the bottle away and started walking out the bathroom.

her arms were met with rachel and emma.

ziggy yelped and rachel kicked her foot as they dragged her across the hall.

ziggu had to admit that both girls were surprisingly strong.

they dragged her into one of the supply closets.

she was met with about 3 dudes.

ziggy sighed as rachel and emma threw her to the group. she was caught by the one in front that had black fluffy hair. he wore a gray crew neck and white cargo pants.

the other two wore a similar outfit.

he held ziggy by her jaw, pushing her to the wall.

"what the hell do you want." ziggy asked coldly.

"to show you what you did to mason." Sheer man replied.

ziggy chuckled

he whispered into ziggys ear, "you tell anyone we did this, and i'll kill you."

he then threw ziggy onto the ground and kicked her once, the other two joining.

they all had a chance to kick ziggy at least 15 times mostly in her stomach.

they then all teamed on her and continuously punched, kicked, and hit her with a large stick about 10 times.

they all then brought her up to her feet and each punched her about 10 times, anywhere they could punch. they had bad aim though, so they missed her eyes and nose.

they then did a combo of punching and kicking.

after 15 minutes of this, they walked out the room and laughed as they left the poor redhead in the supply closet, covered in cuts bruises and a sore body.

ziggu breathed heavily, trying to sit up even though her legs felt limp.

the scrawny girl breathed in and out a couple times.

her vision was still blurry, her stomach had been beat so much she probably couldn't eat for a few hours, her head was throbbing, and her legs and arms were limp and felt as if they had just been chopped off.

she felt something trickling down her lips after a while.

she whiped then to reveal a red liquid on her hand.

she whiped her nose softly since her nose was very sensitive at the moment.

she still had dry blood on there, and she had small cuts everywhere.

she sat there, missing every bell.

the dismissal bell rang, yet ziggy didn't move.

after a while, the door swung open quickly.

ziggy looked up to see none other than eddie and madison.

"holy shit holy shit holy shit!!" eddie panicked.

madison crawled down to ziggy, looking her straight in the eye.

"hey can you hear me?!" madison yelled.

seeing her girlfriend made her out the lightest smile on her face, nodding to madison's question.

madison pulled ziggy, giving her the strength she needed to get up.

"holy shit what the hell happen?!" eddie shrieked.

"eddie shut the fuck up!" madison yelled at him.

ziggy's eyes got heavy as madison helped her walk.

her head started throbbing loudly, and her vision became to get more blurred.

she felt her body becoming light to heavy quickly, to the point where she blacked out.

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