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ziggy had surprisingly changed into a different pair of clothes.

she had on white jeans with a blue and green striped polo shirt under a loose black jacket. she was wearing combat boots, as always.

ziggy seemed as if she tried to look decent as well.

ziggy spotted madison at one of the booths. ziggy speed walked over to madison, then sat down across from her.

madison smiled.

"hey." the brunette greeted the redhead.

"hey." she replied.

not much happened at the parlor.

they talked for a while, then they decided to get the ice cream.

ziggy got vanilla and madison got chocolate, like they always did.

they talked the rest of the time, the time being 3 hours.

after they finished, they wen't their ways. ziggy was going to go on her bike, but madison looked out and noticed it was black outside

"ziggy wait!" madison called.

ziggy turned around.

"why dont i give you a ride home?" madison asked.

ziggy looked confused.

"i-it's because you know, it like, dark out here and you know, it can be dangerous.." madison said, trailing off.

ziggy looked at her bike.

"what about my bike?" the redhead asked hesitantly.

"sam has a station wagon, you can fit you're bike in there.

ziggy paused for a moment.

"sure." ziggy sighed out.

"okay." madison said softly, going to a telephone booth.

she called sam and sam drove to their destination, being ziggys house.

ziggy popped the trunk open, then dragged her bike out.

they stopped a block away from her house so they wouldn't wake up rose.

"i can walk with you if you want." madison offered.

"no thanks." ziggy said softly, rejecting her.

madison's hopeful smile faded.

"i'll see you tomorrow!" madison yelled as they pulled away.

the next day, ziggy hadn't showed up.

the day after, Tuesday, she showed up.

ziggy walked into the school slowly.

when everyone saw her pass by, they would either give her a glare or a stare.

ziggy shook it off.

she saw eddie at the end of the hall.

she didn't have to go far cause eddie basically threw himself at ziggy, embracing her tightly.

"i thought you got murdered or something." eddie said, whispering.

ziggy sighed as she pulled away.

"look, it's the psycho!" A girl said a bit loudly.

Everyone started murmuring, then then bell rang.

ziggy sat at the back of the class. she played blondie on her walkman and put her head phones on. she wanted to try and ignore anyone and anything in the room.


sorry this chapter is short and the next one is gonna be quick, but then we'll get something i'm excited abt!!!

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