"Eh, it's fine. Made out of rock." Matt joked, playfully punching his head and Ana felt herself pale in response to his bad sense of humor. "All right, 81, let's get this street cleaned up, huh?"

Stella gave a short nod and walked off, leaving the two Captains alone together.

"You know damn well it's not 'made out of rock' Matt Casey. Far from it in fact." The older woman hissed, quietly, and he couldn't even look at her, knowing she was right. "Now, you may be able to wave off Stella and the other floaters but that's only because they weren't there. They didn't have to sit in a waiting room for God knows how long after you cracked your skull." The brunette took a deep breath to calm herself down and exhaled through her nose before continuing. "Matt, please, just tell me the truth: Are you really okay?"

"It hurts." He admitted, bringing a hand up to gently massage his injury. "But other than that, I'm fine."

Ana stared at him for a few seconds and let out a sigh.

"Promise that you'll tell me the second you experience any other symptoms." She pleaded.

Matt smirked and did a crossing motion over the area of his chest where his heart would be. The short woman rolled her eyes again and pulled him into a tight hug, burying her face into his shoulder. The younger man just returned it tenfold.

*Firehouse 51: Common Room: A Few Hours Later*

Ana was loitering around the kitchen area, making herself a cup of coffee, when she felt a familiar presence attempting to sneak up behind her.

"Hey, Mom." Kelly grinned.

The brunette finished pouring her drink before turning around and pulling her Godson into a hug. The younger man returned it immediately, being mindful of the hot liquid in her left hand.

"Hi, Sev." She smiled into his shoulder.

They seperated a few seconds later and the Lieutenant let the older woman take a sip of her coffee before speaking again.

"You know where Casey is?" He wondered. "I was actually on my way to go looking for him when I spotted you here so. . ."

Ana let out a small chuckle.

"Yeah, last I checked he was in his Office." She recalled, heading in that direction with Kelly following her every step of the way.

Once the pair was close enough, the two peered through the glass and grew a bit concerned at what they saw.

Matt was lying down on his bed with a hand pressed to the center of his forehead, massaging it almost. But the part that worried them the most, was how his eyes were closed. They were almost screwed shut in pain.

The Lieutenant stepped ahead of his Godmother, pausing once he was in the doorway and knocking on it to signal their arrival. Ana entered and leaned back against the desk, sipping at her drink.

"You all right?" Kelly inquired.

Matt shot up instantly and cleared his throat.

"Just waiting for some aspirin to kick in." He assured. "What's up?"

"You know anything about the delivery Stella ordered for the apartment?" The Lieutenant wondered and the brunette stood a little straighter, her curiosity having been peaked.

"Delivery of what?" The male Captain asked in confusion.

"That's the thing. She wouldn't say. I don't deal well with change. She knows that." Kelly pointed out.

"If I may, it is her home too." Ana shrugged.

"Yeah, she probably wants to put her stamp on the place." Matt agreed.

"Mm, probably." The Lieutenant nodded, moving to leave the room.

"Hey, uh, you and Kidd." The male Captain began, making him pause again. "If it's time for me to move on and you guys need the loft to yourselves, just say the word. I promise I'm all good."

"Didn't I just say I don't deal well with change?" Kelly smirked.

"You did." Matt smiled, sheepishly.

"All right." The Lieutenant laughed, finally walking out.

Ana's gaze switched back to the injured man and her cheery demeanour vanished at the sight of him wincing in pain.

"You sure you're okay?" The older woman pressed, hoping to get an honest answer from him now that they were alone.

"Mom, it's the same pain from before. I'm fine, I promise." Matt assured.

Ana sighed and walked over, placing a hand on his shoulder before leaving the room. The male Captain waited until he was sure she was gone before gently lying back down on the bed. He brought a hand up, continuing to massage his forehead while screwing his eyes shut and groaning in pain.

*End of Shift*

Ana was waiting just outside of the Apparatus Floor for Hank to arrive and pick her up. While messing around on her phone, she felt someone appear next to her and looked up to see Matt staring at her with a conflicted look on his face.

The brunette went to smile but instantly threw that idea out the window when he winced in pain and squeezed his eyes shut for a few seconds. The older woman was worried. The pain from the cut should have faded by now.

"Matt?" She called, gently, and placed a hand on his shoulder.

He opened his eyes again and blinked a few times before letting out a sigh.

"I made you a promise, so. . ." The male Captain paused and took a deep breath before continuing. "I have a headache and I just started getting tunnel vision not too long ago."

Ana swallowed, thickly, and glanced at the floor.

"Look, Matt, the last thing I wanna do is reassure you and push you even further away from the idea of seeing a doctor. But, chances are, it's just a concussion." She sighed, glancing out into the street just as a familiar black SUV pulled up. "If you get any other symptoms or the ones that you already have get worse, then call me. I don't care when."

The younger man grinned cheekily and, just like before, did the crossing motion over his heart again. Ana just let out a soft chuckle and pulled him into a hug. They seperated a few seconds later and the brunette gave Matt one last smile before joining her husband in their car.

A/N I hope you all enjoyed! Till Thursday!

~Princess <3

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