"Lydia, what's happening?" Scott now questions. 

"Who else is here? Who came with you? Who else is here?" Lydia rushes out, ignoring Scott's question. 

Hearing the commotion from above they make their way out through the tunnels but Stiles begins to lag behind causing Alannah to turn back around to help him. 

Lydia notices and runs back to Alannah helping her prop Stiles up but Lydia pauses in her steps as an overwhelming scream rips out of her. 

"ALLISON!!!!" Knowing what that scream means Alannah pauses too as she breaks out into a sob with Lydia.

 Their best friend has just died. 

Allison Argent is dead.

After the events at Oak Creek Alannah has to be alone.

 She feels bad for pushing Stiles aside, but grief is something she knows all too well. 

The best way for her to cope with it has always been solitude. 

He and Lydia reluctantly drop her off at her house. 

When she walks in the doors, she's surprised to see both of her parents sitting on the couch...together...not arguing. 

"Mom? Dad?" she questions in confusion. 

"What's going on?" she questions. 

"Hey, baby sis." Taylor Knight announces from the kitchen revealing himself to his sister after so many years. 

Alannah sees the lights deem before she's passing out onto the floor.

When she comes too her parents have her propped up on the couch. 

"Here, honey drink this." Chase Knight instructions handing her a water.

 Alannah takes a slow slip looking around the living room in search of Taylor.

 She starts to feel faint again when she sees him sitting to the right of them on the love seat with their mom.

 "Am I dreaming?" she questions.

 "No, baby. You aren't." her mom replies with tears in her eyes.

 "Taylor came back to us." She states full on crying tears of joy now.

 "But your dead." Alannah says in confusion.

 "Correction, I was dead but umm it turns out my body had just gone into deep shock at the sight of the crash . When they brought me to the morgue they discovered my breathing was just really slow." He clarifies but gives his sister a look telling her he would explain everything, the real everything later. 

Ignoring that look though she begins to grill him for more answers.

 "So, what happened after that? You made us all mourn for you when you've been alive this whole time!" she raises her voice causing Chase to rub circles on her back in an attempt to calm her down.

 "I didn't feel safe in this town...with these people.. after everything that happened. I mean what kind of idiotic medical staff presumes me dead when I'm clearly not. I needed to protect myself, so I moved out to New Orleans. I had some distant friends there from when I played AAU. I've been living there ever since." 

Not understanding any of this or how her parents could Alannah asks another question. 

"Why come back now if this town is so dangerous?"

Hope Aflame (Stiles Stilinski)Where stories live. Discover now