One long night out

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Y/n pov:

They're... still talking about this shit...

Ningguang laughed, "No but imagine that adeptus as a father!"she said and took a sip of her drink.

Yelan chuckled, "He would forget the kid out on the cold." She said.
This caused me to chuckle.
No. He would forget he had a kid.

"Hey Y/n, do you want kids in the future?" Beidou asked me, a little bit drunk.

I stared her dead in the eyes. "No."

Ningguang did a double take on her drink as she heard my answer, "Really? I thought that would be one of your dreams, when it comes to living like a mortal I mean." She said.

I sighed, "Kids are loud. They scream around and cry every day." I said.
Isn't it obvious why I wouldn't want a kid?

"Really? That's normal for them, they'll be lovely small people in no time." Beidou said, giving a side glance to Ningguang. Ningguang caught her eye and looked away.

"Not kitsune children." I said. Yelan looked towards me, so did Ningguang and Beidou.

"Hey, how are kitsune children when they're young?" Beidou asked.
I sweat dropped as I remembered some of my childhood with Miko, and some of the young fox children I've seen in Teyvat these generations.

"Their nails are sharp, they won't cut them because they're aggressive, they sink their sharp ass fangs into everything they find, wether it be a pillow or a rock. They're aggressive near people, don't have any control over their transformation. They complain about their hearing all the time and bite their tail too much so you have to go to a doctor and cover it up." I said in one breath, telling them exactly why I did NOT want to raise a fox child.

"They're REAL animals." I finished and took a sip of my drink, completely unbothered.

Ningguang, Yelan and Beidou all looked at me in shock.

"How were you and your sister as children?" Yelan asked curiously.

I hummed and closed my eyes to see if I could remember.

"We used to scare everyone away from us." I said.

Beidou looked a little sad for a moment, "oh..."

As I realized her expression I quickly said, "Oh don't worry, we did it on purpose!" I said waving my hands back and forth, reassuring her.

"We didn't like to socialize with other youngsters. They were racist little shits." I said.

Yelan chuckled, "I see." She put her empty glass down on the table.

"Why don't we wander a little outside? We've been sitting here for a couple of hours." She said. I nodded, and Beiguang agreed as well.

We stood up and Ningguang paid for the drinks, we then stepped outside.

It was completely dark, the stars shone in the sky and the light of lamps shone in the city.

Only adults and well dressed people were walking around now, not a single kid.

The city was not as loud as usual, but it had multiple sounds of people communicating.

Put the pieces back: Sequel (Xiao x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now