"I want to know why I'm still here. If there's a significant reason in my fate while I remained of all people"

There has to be a reason and I want to reach any conclusion. No matter how menial that purpose is. I don't understand my newfound life as it's only the beginning where everything else around me is ending.

"So why are you here?" I stop my lamenting
"We need to talk to Goetia. The last time we tried talking to them, we got trapped in a Singularity" Ash briefly looks at Ember
"How are you planning on doing that?" I look back at the coast
"Lend us a hand.....Welt"

Ash suffers so much no matter which version of Ash there is, but this one still extends her left hand at me. There's only trust when she opens her palm in front of my eyes, and she stares me as if she's subtly pleading. Accepting her hand means suicide, but I don't have any motivation or reason to protect unlike these two. I'm just a lone Leviathan with no real ambition or dream of a future. I'm just.....living in the present as it is even if my end will be a horrible one.

"Well, whatever. In the beginning, I was never an individual.....unlike you kansens....."

There's no point in hesitating about it. I really have no ambition or regret I would leave behind. Right now, I just slowly grow bored watching the survivors struggle at the aftermath while I quietly wait for the end of my destiny. That's why I slowly stretch out my hand and gently place it on top of her palm. My wish is for them to at least make progress just to bring a little comfort.....and even it's impossible, I want to see things through.

It's just wishful thinking.....since I would just be lost again right before I know it.....


It's safer and more convenient to just stay in the "digital afterlife", but Gangut insists on being out in the open. Since I can't have a deceased kansen to just be spotted by actually living ones, I only let Gangut out once we're at a cape far from any base. At least, we could sit in a patch of flowers while overlooking the broad horizon of the stretching sea. I just ignore the waves strongly smashing against the bottom of this land.

"The Northern Parliament, huh. It's true my comrades keep all sorts of strange stuff they see there in one vault, but I don't remember any ring prior to being eaten" Gangut just yawns
"How can they even find Solomon's Ring? It's not like they tripped on it or someone just happened to drop it"

Gangut lies flat on the healthy patch of grass with her legs stretched and her arms as a makeshift pillow. I, on the other hand, prefer to sit with my legs crossed and both arms stretched behind me. We just subtly admire the serenity while still on guard at the case some random kansen stumbles upon us.

"Even if you get in there, they won't let you get out easily. Unless you assume your true form and start wrecking the place" Gangut yawns again
"Brute force is easy but difficult to execute. I'm a system that analyzes, collects....and deconstructs. In other cases, I assimilate or digest any organism"
"Aaahh....." Gangut just blinks in confusion
"I'm meant to clean up threats of something like that. Solomon knew about the Leviathans back in my original timeline. Since true Cognitive Awakening wasn't possible without the commander leading the kansens or even existing, I was made.....to be on top of the food chain instead"
"So you eat them?"
"I'm not a picky eater"
"Hahahaha! Says the one who has to be dragged by Belfast for a Royal cuisine" Gangut bursts out in laughter
"I'm a multi-purpose system. One of my trivial....hobbies is to experiment like the Sirens. I can't confirm anything without practical testing, so I perform all sorts of field tests and experiments. Like what would happen if you two humanoid Sirens collide at mach one"

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