Past Reflection

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Author: Part one will cut off at Chapter 30.


The world just isn't fair......

Ashes are really just another brand of META. Does it really matter the difference? At the end of the day, it's their failed attempt for a Cognitive Awakening. Their business doesn't really matter to me. I'm just a lost Leviathan exiled from the rest of my kind. [Ars Goetia] is a system created by a mere human. That said human is praised wise and intelligent among his people, but that system is without master and ruin timelines in a whim. It deserves to be called a demon by the Sirens.

"Why am I even here.....?"

The wind faintly blows, but I dislike the scent it brings. It only drags black smoke in a distant. I don't want the black dust staining this snow white hair I'm rather fond of, so I tie it up in a bun with short strands hanging down.

"It's strange how an enemy of humans is just brooding here" Ember speaks at me in a deep hostile tone
"Cut it out, Ember. That one was separated from her own kind and can never return" Ash taps Ember's shoulder
"I take the form of my brethren's namesake. It's a form something you're familiar with" I turn around and face them
"A sea dragon....." Ash takes a step forward

I don't know much about my fellow Leviathans as I simply fight because everyone else is doing the same. My evolution just strayed off from the norm and separating from their will got me banned for the rest of my life. I'm not really upset about it as I don't have any positive feelings for anyone. Not the Leviathans, not the Sirens, and certainly not the kansens.

"If you're looking for Goetia, that thing is not here. You'll only find me, a sorry excuse of a Leviathan" I chuckle at myself

As we talk in a charred dusty pier, I glance at the coast only to see debris aimlessly floating around. When I gaze up, the sky remains dark even when the flames have been extinguished a long time ago. Now that I think about it, which version of Ash and Amber are these two?

"What do you want with them anyway? Ars Goetia lacks humanity and would ruin timelines out of curiosity. If anything, it only cares about fueling its curiosity for knowledge. It doesn't have any so-called solid purpose like the Sirens, just to incite any reaction"
"We know Goetia is a mere creation close to a machine, but Solomon made it impossible to kill" Ash stares at me
"I have no way to kill it....them. Even if you two can, what's the point? Goetia is just one of the Five Lesser Keys"

Why are they even bothering with Goetia? In this timeline, the rest of my kind have been expelled from this world. There's nothing to do here but to watch the world burn. The land is too destroyed for it to return in a short amount of time.

"You're as hopeless as ever" Ember clicks her tongue
"There's nothing I can do, so why should I waste any effort?" I growl at her

If it's impossible to begin with, no one in the right mind would try only to end in futility. My efforts would be insignificant, so I don't have any reason to bother with anyone's affairs.

"I wasn't meant to live this long, yet I did. I mean, I wasn't any different from any cannon fodder" I raise my voice a bit
"You evolved and resisted, so you were disconnected from the rest of your kind" Ash gently pulls Ember back
"A war ended, but another took its place. That was why.....everutbing you do was just pointless" I lower my head
"That's what it means to face reality'

Ash is right about that. Reality is an unknown concept to me, but the perspective of humanity is horrifying. Far worse than a terrible monster like me. That's why I don't want to waste any effort in this world, knowing I would be dragged to solely clean up their own mass. Kansens are from humans.....and so are the Sirens.

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