Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

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It took us an entire hour to bowl one game, probably because Danni caught her hand in a vending machine. Katie was the one to free her. Emma and I just continued to bowl, giving her new nicknames like, "Vending Mofo".

That wasn't the most exciting thing that happened though, Danni, now freed from her sugar-filled prison, pointed out a guy was checking me out. I didn't want him to know that I knew he was checking me out, I wanted to be subtle. So I did the classic back stretch to look over at him.

"Guy in the white sweatshirt?" I whispered to Danni and she nodded with a grin. I grabbed my bowling ball and strutted up there on purpose, shaking what my momma gave me. Danni nearly choked on her cheese balls.

"Oh God, you did that on purpose!" Danni exclaimed, trying not to laugh, and then stretching out her hand for a high-five.

"I know, was he watching?" I asked and she nodded immediately. I laughed and glanced from the side at him, he was talking to his friends, then slowly turning his head to look at me.

From my three to five second glances at him, he was fairly attractive. The most attractive guys, in my opinion, had messy hair, but even with a buzz cut, it looked good on him. He wasn't some emo/scene guy either, he wasn't wearing super tight pants that showed his crotch. He was just casual, with faded blue jeans and a half buttoned blue polo.

"If you don't talk to him, I will," Emma warned me, suddenly jumping into the conversation. The only one still out of the loop was Katie, who was in the bathroom.

"He looks like a delinquent," I commented and we all casually glanced over at them.

"Are you saying that's a bad thing? Delinquents are hot, Lauren," Emma informed me, undressing him with her eyes.

"I'm going to wait for him to come to me," I announced quietly, then walking back over to pick up my bright blue bowling ball. I heard Emma sigh, but she didn't throw a fit. She knew I was right.

By the last round of our intense game of bowling, the lights turned off and I looked at Katie, now pee free, to see her shirt was glowing in the dark.

"Whoa, I'm glowing in the dark!" Katie exclaimed, literally jumping up in down. I looked over at the sign overhead the counter where you checked out bowling shoes.

'Glow-In-The-Dark Friday'

Duh, I thought stupidly to myself.

"He can just try to check me out in the dark," I suggested and everyone laughed.

I sat down, watching Emma completely blow her last chance to win by doing the granny bowl. I rolled my eyes, I loved her to death.

That's when I felt a tap on my left shoulder, I looked to see no one was there. Then I spun my chair around to see the guy with the buzz cut. My eyes widened, surprised he actually had the guts to talk to me.

"Hey, I was wondering..." he trailed off and I was pounding with anticipation. Was he going to ask me out? He looked back over to his guy friends who were giving him a thumbs-up sign. I looked over to Emma and Danni, to see they were practically about to explode with excitement.

"If you knew how much a polar bear weighed," he finished and my heart dropped. That's it? How much does a polar bear weigh? I cocked my head to the right to show my confusion.

"Enough to break the ice. Hey, I'm Matt," he suddenly said and my eyes lit with excitement.

"Lauren," I answered and he took my hand, shaking it. I glanced over at my friends and they were squealing like little girls, even Danni, who grew up with five older brothers. They were tossing their hands around and doing the leprechaun dance while I stared dumbstruck at Matt.

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