Female Methanosian x Male Reader

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Melanie:You know,now that you mention it I am a little tired.I can already feel myslef starting to yawn.

She outstetched her arms and opened to mouth to yawn and Y/N could already see sleeping spores floating out of her mouth.

Y/N:OK,Ok,well go for a walk.

Melanie:I love it how we can come to an agreement fo quickly.

Melanie let Y/N get up from the couch and stood up herself.They went outside and just when Y/N finished closing the doors,she grabbed his hand and hugged it.It did look a bit strange since she was taller than him.

They walked down the street and already they were getting many of views.Melanie smirked at all the attention she was getting and decorated her collar bone,er floral membrane with small green pods.They quickly bloomed and turned into a necklace of flowers of her head's colors.

Melanie:This is even more fun than I thought.

Y/N:I dont know.All those eyes...

Melanie:Its admiration.Get used to it.Feed off of it.

???:Well,well,if it isnt L/N the wimp.

They turned to look at the man win jean pants and jacket,spikey green hair and a black shirt.

???:Joined the program I see.But couldnt get anything better than walking root.Bet the girl I get is gonna be something with serious fire power.

Melanie narrowed her eyes at him and tossed few seed at his feet.They soon grew and vines lifted the man to lethal heights.

Melanie:Thats for calling me a walking root.

The vines dropped him and he almost hit the ground but one of the vines grabbed him by his leg.

Melanie:And this is for bothering Y/N.

She knocked him out with her spores and just as he lost conciousness,thw vine tossed him somewhere far,his pants still in its grasp.

Melanie:Remind me to call my aunt later to destroy his application.I'd sooner be fertilizer than let a guy like him apply.

Y/N:And if she can't?

Melanie:Then she'll send him some species he wouldn't want.Atrocian maybe.They're the Worst.Haha.

Y/N:If you say so.

They continued to walk to until the saw an ice cream truck.

Melanie:How about treating your girlfriend to some ice cream?I never had any.

Y/N:I'm sorry but I thought we were just going for a walk.I left my wallet at-

Melanie:This wallet?

She simple presented it with her free hand as he took it.

Y/N:How did you do that?

Melanie:After I dropped of all those aliens on Earth I had a pretty boring ride back to the office.I just kept watching your Earth movies and picked up a few things.

They went to the truck and Y/N ordered his favorite.

Y/N:Which one would you like?

Melanie:Hmmm,not sure what to choose.So many choices and all of them new.For now I'll just have what you're having.Maybe we could even share the cone.

Seller:No maybe about it.I'm closing since school ended early.It's a real wonder another kid didn't beat you to it.

He gave them the last ice cream he had left and drove of for some much deserved rest.

Ben 10 Alien Girls x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now