04 Suffocating

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Chapter 4


The gun has no bullet.

The single light stopped from flickering and the whole rooftop was enveloped in darkness. We were silent for a while. As I observed him earlier, I noticed that he didn't even flinch when I pulled the trigger. I know that he might know guns better than me but still, I deserve to see some reactions or emotions—perhaps, I want to see him tremble under my death glare. But I expected too much, he is an elite soldier after all. He knows fear better than anyone else and I guess he already faced death but he was able to escape from its grasp. I loosened my grip on the handle of the gun.

“Did you think that I wouldn't kill you?” I asked. The gun was still on the back of his head but unlike earlier, I was pointing it at him playfully and only my left hand was holding it. 

“I knew that you wouldn't kill me. You wouldn't commit a murder at the rooftop of this public place, would you?” I nodded even though he couldn't see my response. He has a point though.

“But I am ready to load this gun with ammos if you still can’t answer my question,” I stated. I looked back at my Lady Dior bag, beside it was a can of beer and I shook my head in disappointment.  I was carried away by my emotions and I didn't realize that I dropped it on the dirty ground. I received no response from him. I was about to pick-up my bag but he suddenly spoke.

“I am still a member of the special forces. I was about to go on a mission abroad but my superior gave me this task. I was hesitant at first because I know that I am not suitable for this job and my expertise is much needed in the battlefield but they told me that it's an important mission. Guarding you is an important mission. As for the other questions, I don't have an answer yet and for the record—” I was taken aback when he suddenly stood up, turned to me and snatched my gun from my left hand. My eyes widened when I realized that he was too close to me and the only thing that gave us space was the bench. I stepped back but it was too late when I realized that I might step on the can of beer or on my Lady Dior bag.

And I stepped on the can of beer. I am no weakling and I expected that I might fall so I was ready to balance myself when suddenly, Yoo Si Jin grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him. I fell right into his chest. I gritted my teeth when I felt the hard bench on my knees. Damn this bastard.

It was an unnecessary move but it saved me from falling but—it was really unnecessary. 

“S-Sorry. You were about to fall and—” I cut him off by pushing him. I stepped aside because I already learned by lesson and so that I wouldn't be close to him. The flickering light glowed again. I looked at Yoo Si Jin. He was looking at me with an apologetic look. I crossed my arms over my chest. 

“I’m sorry.”

“You were about to say something earlier. For the record, what?” I asked him. He was not able to continue his sentence because of his unnecessary stunt. I want to roll my eyes heavenwards. 

He scratched his nape. “And for the record, I didn't lie. My superior was the one who gave my personal information to the Jangs and your parents. I decided not to say anything because I realized that it is the right thing to do.” He became serious. “But please know that I will not lie and I will not betray you. But it's unfortunate that my loyalty will not be to you because I am bound to follow the Jangs. But rest assured that if you tell me not to speak anything to them, I will not speak anything.” I sneered. He was indirectly saying that I shouldn't trust him.

“That’s a ridiculous statement coming from a soldier who’s loyalty shall only be to his country. I don't need your loyalty, Yoo Si Jin. I’m sure you’re just one of the pawns of Jangs, and they will discard you if they can’t squeeze anything from you about me. So, continue on being loyal to them,” I coldly said. I made sure that he could see me glaring at him. I hate him. I hate everyone. I turned my back on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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