01 Beginning

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It all started with a not-your-so-ordinary fairytale-like story. My father was a notorious businessman, known for his dedication in terms of business. He was always on top of the chain, a famous man who always do everything in order to accomplish his goal. And my mother was one of the keys towards achieving the goal he long to have. My mother was a well-known lawyer. She was the ace of her class, the jack of all trades and all cases she had handled were successfully closed. Aside from her wit and intelligence, she has also the beauty that can launched a thousand ships, she is the Helen of Troy of her generation. She was pursued by a lot of men, but no one was able to win her heart not until my father set his eyes on her. My mother considered my father her enemy, for he was involved in illegal activities which my mother despised. But then, my father needs her intelligence in order to build an invincible empire. He was determined to win her favor so he did everything in order to get her.

I can’t help but to smile whenever I remember the sweet voice of my mother, telling me how she was pursued by my father. She was the best on her field so my father decided to get her as the attorney of Hong Corporation. She refused a thousand times but my father had millions of ways in order to win her favor. Unexpectedly, my father did not just win her favor, but he also won her heart. In the process of having a love and hate relationship, they fell for each other. It was a slow burn romance, a love that overcome a lot of struggles. Aside from his business, my father dedicated his life to my mother, promising her to have a joyful life together with him where love and peace will only blossom. They were each other’s home. My mother was my fathers oasis in the middle of a dark and gloomy desert.

Or so, she thought.

A poisonous and ugly rose unexpectedly grew in a garden full of bright, beautiful and fragrant roses. It was only one poisonous rose but it inflicted a heavy damage in the garden that resulted to the death of the other roses.

My mother discovered that my father was having an affair—with his employee. That was no other than Yu Haehan, the Hong Corporation HR Vice President. My mother was suspicious of her because she climbed up so high without even doing anything. My father told her that Yu Haehan has an exceptional skill but when my mother made an investigation about her, she did not find anything good about her. In fact, she doesn’t have any background regarding her job.

She was hired because she has a 3 years old daughter who looks like my father. Yu Shin Hye.

When my mother confronted my father, he did not deny that he was having an affair. He shamelessly told to my mother that he was tired of us, that he was looking for something interesting and he found Yu Haehan. He felt pity to the woman so he decided to help her. It was ridiculous. And he had the audacity to asked for forgiveness to my mother. I was there when my mother cried painfully because of him, I was there when he straightly told to my mother that he was tired of her. I was there, and I witnessed the pain and struggle of my mother. But my mother decided to stay with my father and I clearly remember her reason for staying with the man who betrayed her. She always caressed my hair and kiss my forehead.

“We will stay because its for the best,” she whispered. I remember how her voice crack and tremble whenever she whispers that to me. Every night, I always hear her silent plea to give her strength in order for us to survive and live happily. Thats why I will never forgive my father. He exerted effort in order to win us back, but my young heart was broken into million pieces and it was beyond repair.

Everything came back to normal when my brother was born. He became the light of our family, the sole reason for our happiness.

“Chayoung-ah.” I snapped back to reality when someone called my name. I put my spoon down and looked at the person who called me. I smiled at her direction. She was sitting beside my dear father, her pale face was glowing, her red lipstick made her look regal and dangerous.

Between Blood and Honor (AU Vincenzo and DOTS ff)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن