• Part 21 •

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No One's POV

“Please....Let me out of here..”
Lisa begged, crying while looking down and sitting down in the corner hugging her knees, It was quite dark, and lisa don't have any idea where she was. She sees the knives and more weapons inside,

“Lis...” Joy called her name and Lisa slowly lifting her head, she meet Joy's awful eyes, Lisa widen her eyes after meeting The Empress freakish stare, The Empress's stare didn't last long when she glance at The bloody Princess

“Stop, calling her name. You bitch” She grabbed the Princess hair roughly and Joy Groan, And a big loud slapped were formed in the Princess cheek, Joy cries in pain

“S-stop! Stop please!”

The Empress was about to slap her again but got interrupted when she heard Lisa's voice behind, She turned around seeing her Personal Servant looking at her while crying, The Empress shook her head and slowly walks towards her Personal servant, Lisa was about to look down but her chin were grabbed my the Empress hand, lifting up and making her look at her eyes

“Shh, Don't cry.. It's okay” The Empress smiles psychopathically and gently wipes lisa's tears

“Please, Chae...don't do this..You're making me scared”
Lisa begged Infront of The Empress

The Empress watches how lisa's tears were flowing in her thumbs, She kneeled down and kissed lisa's forehead,

“Shh, Okay okay...” And The Empress caress Lisa's hair, Lisa feels relief after she heard what the Empress said. She stopped crying and nod. Lisa breath out heavily before breaking the hug

“I-i want to sleep.” Lisa says almost whispering, Her body and Eyes are tired. She wants to rest, 

The Empress nods “Hm, okay”

Lisa hummed in response and take a glance at the Princess for the last time before she went to the door and finally leaving the two inside.

Chaeyoung POV

“C-can you let me go?...y-you already told Lisa that–” Her words got interrupted when I giggles,

“You're such a fool” I giggled and start picking up some weapons

“W-what?..b-but– w-what are you doing?” Joy asked nervously, when she sees me busy looking for some weapons. She can't move because she were tied up

“I'm picking what should i use...Hm, what do you think?” I grinned secretly

“B-but, Lisa already told you to stop.. and you agreed.” Joy says stuttering

I laughed teasingly “Of course, so that she can finally take a rest, I've changed my mind. I don't want her to watch us torturing you, I felt sorry. Plus it will make her not to fall in with me more if she see me kill you with my own hands, So much better if she didn't know that i will kill you now” I smirks and Joy widen her eyes

“W-what?!” Joy shouted and I smiles

“You've heard me, I'm such a genius person, isn't it?–”

“No, you're not” Joy says directly, her eyes immediately meet my intense stare

“If later she wake up, she'll find me and ask you where i am...so, what are you going to do?” Joy smile proudly not enough to make me scare

“Hm, I've already thought of that..” I picked up and knife after answering her question and went closer to her, Her eyes widen and I smirks “Stop so being proud to yourself, Joy..” I added and She gulped

Empress | ChaelisaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant