• Part 12 •

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No One's POV

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No One's POV

I don't get it, What's happening there?

“Princess Jisoo...”

What? What's on her?

“I don't know if you'll meet each other again. Lis, it's her last day tomorrow and I don't know maybe The Empress might change her mind and kill Princess Jisoo tomorrow morning”

No, She can't do that.

“Not anyone can stop her, lis. But at this point maybe you can, She had so many bruises and wounds because The Empress was forcing her to tell her where are you staying but Princess Jisoo doesn't want to”

“Can you visit her? Where is she?”

Not allowed lis, She's inside the dungeon”

D-dungeon? It takes 7 hrs to get there at the Palace and we just arrived

“It's 3pm, If you start your Journey now you might even catch her alive”

“I will tell it to oppa, He's not here, he went somewhere. But I promise to get there as soon as possible”

“Hurry please”

“I will text oppa. And Yiren please, Update me”

“I will, I'll hang up the phone now, The Empress might wonder why I'm not in the kitchen”

Yiren ended the call and put her phone on the table, She sighed heavily while unlocking the door, she walked to the kitchen. She gulped when she saw The Empress examining the kitchen and her servants

But then, luckily. The Empress didn't saw her. she was behind the Empress. Yiren quickly grabbed the broom and start cleaning up, She was sweating hard when the Empress suddenly turned around behind and stared at her, She took a quick glance and their eyes met but not for too long because yiren quickly looked away

She can still feel the stares, But she ignore it and went to the stove immediately. She glance at the Empress and she sighed in relief when The Empress wasn't looking at her anymore

Damn, That was mind-blowing
Yiren mumble to herself


It's already 6pm, and we're not yet done. But then In the middle of our cleaning the Empress suddenly spoke

“One of you can bring my food inside my office, 7:30pm I want my food to be there”

We bowed and The Empress turned around, she was about to walk away but she suddenly spoke. We looked up facing her back

“Also, bring food to Jisoo. Can anyone-”

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