Love At First Sight

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One day, when Pyry was playing with Keares, she spotted a rabbit in snow. She said to Keares " look Keares, there is a white rabbit in snow. How beautiful is it!" Keares replied
" Yes, how beautiful. But where is he going?" Pyry said "let's follow him. Okay? They started following the rabbit.
While following it they forgot they had gone so far from the kingdom. They forgot the path to home. Pyry said "Keares, now we are lost. We should find the path back to home. So you go that side and I this. Okay? " Keares replied " okay and if anybody from us got the path should shout ' got got got'. Okay ?"

They went on their ways. While finding Pyry saw two deers kissing each other. She was staring at them.

Suddenly, they started running

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Suddenly, they started running. She was got puzzled till an arrow hit a tree. She understood that someone was there to hunt them. Just then an arrow was going to hit one of deet when Pyry threw a wood in which that arrow stucked and deer ran away. A prince came out of woods and threw his bow with anger. Pyry looked at his eyes and he in her. They fell in love with each at first sight. They were looking and looking and looking till prince's knight came. Pyry said " Hey, what were you doing that. That would be a sin to kill to lovers" The prince replied " Hey my name is Henry and what's your " Pyry said " My name is Pyry. Wait ....what I didn't asked what's your name. I asked what were you doing. Don't you think they also feel pain like us ." He replied with a warm smile "I was on a hunt but if you say I will not do so again but on one condition , can we become friends?" With a smile on her face she replied "yes ". Suddenly she realised that Keares was still finding path back to home. She said "Can you help me to find my friend and path back to home?" He said yes and whistled. On his one whistle a white horse with horn came. He said " his name is Whistle" and kissed him.

She sat behind him and went into woods

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She sat behind him and went into woods . They were talking about their favourite things suddenly,Pyry asked James to stop she saw Keares crying with pain . Pyry asked " what's the matter Keares why are you crying?" Keares replied " Will walking I stepped on a fork , kuch that's hurting ." The prince came in front and said " I can do something" . He helped her . Keares thanked and asked from Pyry about him. She whispered that she will tell her at home about him. He dropped them to their way and before leaving winked at Pyry. She told that" he was hunting a deer when I saw him and told him about our situation and he helped us " Keares said " I think you are fallen in love with him " Pyry said "shut up " and left.
When she arrived the castle her mother came and hugged her tight and said " Oh sweetie where were you ? I was so tensed. Thanks to God you are safe " Pyry said" Mother nothing happened to me , I'm fine " with saying this she went to her room and kept on thinking about James.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2022 ⏰

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