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Chapter Twelve 

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Chapter Twelve 

We're Coming To Get You

WHILST Jonathan was handcuffed at Powell's desk, Nina sat at her mother's which Florence had told her that her mother was somewhere with the Chief. Nancy was with Florence who was giving some ice for Jonathan's bruised cheek and knuckles. "How's the nose?" Nina asked Callahan who gave her a small smile.

"Luckily he didn't break it," he answered the young girl whom he has known for years.

She gave him a small smile and a nod before turning away; allowing him to go back to his paperwork. Nina saw that Nancy was now back in the chair beside Jonathan who had a towel filled with ice resting on his bruised knuckles.

"Hey! Jonathan! Jesus, what...what happened?" the voice of Joyce Byers echoed through the police station as she entered with Hopper and Nina's mother following behind her.

"Ma'am..." Callahan stood up from his desk and turned towards Joyce.

"I'm fine," Jonathan told his mother; not looking up at her but instead down at his hands.

"Why is he wearing handcuffs?" Joyce asked Callahan as she pointed down at the handcuffs around Jonathan's wrists.

"Well, your boy assaulted a police officer. That's why," Callahan answered which Joyce wasn't happy with the answer.

"Take them off."

"I am afraid I cannot do that."

"Take them off!"

"You heard her. Take 'em off," Hopper interjected from where he was standing behind Joyce.

"Chief, I get everyone's emotional here, but there's something you need to see," Powell told Hopper which made Nina's eyes widen; forgetting about the stuff in the trunk of Jonathan's car.

Olivia looked over at her daughter who gave her a small wave and smile which Olivia shook her head at. Olivia followed Hopper outside along with Callahan and Powell to Jonathan's car where they popped the trunk, finding some interesting items. Hopper grabbed the box and placed it on the desk in front of the three teens. The box was filled with lighter fluid, a bear trap and a gun along with boxes of ammunition. "What is this?" Joyce questioned as she looked through the box.

"Why don't you ask your son? We found it in his car," Hopper stated as he stared down at the three teens.


"Why are you going through my car?" Jonathan and Joyce both spoke at the same time.

"Is that really the question you should be asking right now? I wanna see you in my office," Hopper leaned towards Jonathan before moving away.

"You won't believe me."

"Why don't you give me a try?" Hopper said softly; leaning over the desk again.

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