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When your grandma brought your son on the beach where you both ended your lives.

“The beach!” A 8 years old boy shouted while running on the seashore happily while his grandma watched him not far away. “Grandma! The beach is so beautiful!” Haru shouted, showing his beautiful smile to his grandma who raised him all alone.

“It really is. Haru, can you come in here.” The grandma sat on the rocks which made Haru follow her for what she was going to say.

“Do you know that this place is so special to me?” She asked. “Hmm? Why, Grandma?” Haru asked. “This is where Y/N and Jimin met for the first time and met for the last time.” She said, “Mom and Dad? Grandma, I wanna hear my parents' story. Can you tell me why mom left me and didn't come back?” Haru being confused as he is.

“Haru my grandson, your mother did that for the sake of you and so does your father. Ever since then Y/N's parents abandoned her and they left her in my hands after your grandfather passed away. I was devastated but there is Y/N my only one treasure that her parents left. That's why I took her all alone.”

“I made her go to school until she got in College long ago but the worst part is the school she needs to go is in Seoul. I haven't had a choice but to let her study there since it's been her dream since then. When she came back she brought a man home, Park Jimin, your father.” She presumed.

“They lived for more than a month in my home. I already trust Jimin with all of my heart since I saw in his eyes that he really loves your mother. Their relationship is healthy after you were born but after that your father got involved in one of the crimes he didn't commit.” “What? Father?” Haru asked and his Grandma nodded.

“Yes Haru, the police were finding him all over the town and so is Y/N.” Grandma said. “Why are they finding my mother?” He asked. “Your mother also wanted out of the crime after someone reported that she didn't even do it. They left you on me and your mother said,”

“Grandma, please take care of Haru.”

“Your parents gave you a last kiss on the forehead and then they left..” She lowered her head. “Why didn't my parents give up and go to the police station since they are not the ones who did it?” Haru said. “Haru-ah, a lot of people were mad at your parents for no reason and they want them dead in the hands of the police.”

“And then, after that day we found out they took their own lives together at this beach. They said they walked together until they drowned on the shore.” She said,

“The case from your mother has been closed since then while she is still alive but your mother confessed that she killed a man by just protecting herself.”

“There's no use for the police to chase them since there was a storm that time.” “So, it's their choice to choose this path.” Haru lowered his head. “Your parents don't have a choice either, Haru-ah.” She said,

“Come on, to get you better, let's buy ice cream.” She smiled. “You really know how to make me happy grandma! Seeing you smile makes me feel better actually.” He smiled back. “I will be gone soon, Haru.”

“Where are you going, grandma? Are you leaving me.. forever?” He asked. “Haru-ah.. life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”

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