Chapter 10

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They follow Whitmore to another room, and inside are men. Arnold and Grey are in there too with Nimzicki. 

Nimzicki: Mr. President.

Thomas: Be seated. (Sit down) Where are we now?

Grey: They're just commencing liftoff. 

They all look at the monitors, and sees a skylift helicopter with some kind visual communications device. The helicopter lifts off into the air.

Reporter on TV: ...and refitted with these enormous light panels that are attached to the hull and onto the sides.

Pilot on radio: Echo one, Welcome Wagon is in the air. I repeat. Welcome Wagon is in the air. 

Ground control: Roger, Welcome Wagon. Echo one right beside you. 

The helicopter is being escorted by two helicopters to the alien ship. Jeremy and the others watch this. In a hallway, Connie is leading David, Jill, and Julius to Thomas' office. Julius is excited to be in the White House. 

Julius: This is something I would never believe in my lifetime, that I would be in the White House. Look at this. If I knew I was going to meet the president, I would have worn a tie. I mean, look at me. I look like a schlemiel. 

David: You look fine, pops. 

Connie opens the door, and they walk in. Julius looks in awe as he looks around the office. 

Julius: Oy, my gosh. 

Connie: David, I don't know how happy he's going to be to see you. 

David: Yeah, that's right. I'm telling you, we're wasting time. He's not going to listen to me. We should go. 

Julius: (Looks at him) Why wouldn't he? Why wouldn't he listen?

David: 'Cause last time I saw him, we, uh, we got into a fight. 

Connie: You walked in the room and punched him in the head. 

Julius: You punched the president?

David: He wasn't the president then. I punched him, he fought back. We wrestled around. It was a fight. 

Connie: A fight that you started, (To Julius) because David thought that I was having an affair. 

Julius: With the president?

Connie: Which, of course, I wasn't. 

Jill: Only because you didn't tell him what you were really doing, mom. You kept your stupid mouth shut. So that means it was your fault too that the fight happened. And since you left dad, you probably have a chance to be with that guy!

Connie: Jill, he's already married. And he has a daughter. You think I would destroy his marriage? 

Jill: I don't know. Do you?

Connie: Young lady, who told you it was okay to talk to your mother like this? 

Jill: Oh, hold on. You haven't talked to me for a year and an half. You never called, and you never wrote to me! You see, this is why I chose to stay with dad in the first place. You are selfish, a little immature, and still childish. And you're also jealous because dad's smarter than you! 

David: (Stops her) Jill, calm down. Calm down. Just sit down, and relax. 

Jill turns around and goes to sit down. She crosses her arms as she looks away from her mother. It seems that she was holding a lot of stress in her for what her mom did. 

David: (To Connie) Sorry about that. You know, either go get him, or we should head back to the car. 

Connie: Alright. I'll get him. You wait here, and don't touch anything. (Walks out of the office)

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