Chapter Twelve - Purification

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Yura's pov

"My dear Onmyoji, we must make haste. Im afraid your 'friend' intends to sacrifice you."

Everyone gaped at his words

"SACRIFICE?!" Everyone yelled in unison

"Yes sacrifice,"I simply repeated. "that is the only he would be able to resurrect his father."

I could tell all my dearest friends were all appalled but now wasn't the time.

"Dear Onmyoji I believe that you will have to purify Masakado's wraith as it is the only way to stop the ritual."

"But that isn't possible as Aoi and Kuya haven't gained their contract emblems." Shizuki butted in.

'Oh, I have faith in our dearest Onmyoji, they will find a way.'

Aizen pov

"Please tell me how you lost the prisoner again?" I asked one of my soliders

He stuttered "S-sir we have been informed by other prisoners th-that a masked sondrel broke him out."

'Well that's just great now how are we supposed to carry out the Youjin experiments on (Y/n)' I thought

'Besides I could've blackmailed them into marriage as well but plans changed.' I let out a slight sigh at the end.

"I hope you've prepared yourself Onmyoji."

°Your pov°

I decided to clear the tension.
"Well since um we need to gain the emblems I suppose I will patrol with Kuya and Aoi more often."

Toichiro then snickered "If you haven't noticed (Y/n) these two can barely stand each other."

Kuya let out a slight yawn before nodding while Aoi tried to explain himself.

"It's not my fault he's a jobless dead beat!" Aoi exclaimed "He's does have a job tho" Kuro said gaining Aoi's attention.

"He claims he's a writer but I bet he's never written a single book in his life."

Kuya spoke up between yawns "That's not true! I wrote the story about the cow that jumped over the moon!"

Everyone rn:💀👀

I sighed 'these guys are ruthless' to bad you were stuck with them.

{€~|^π€ pov

"Awww, that's so cute~" I tugged on my lovers arm, we were observing one of the last Onmyojis in existence.

"Y'know dear, if you wanted to decide their fate you could've done it by now."He said while his gawges white locks covered his dark deep alluring eyes.

"I know~ but this is sooo much better letting fate take the wheel." I smiled at him.


Artist's block

Aoi sat by the river bank trying to paint a piece for the open day thing at his school. He tried so hard to come up with something but he had no muse.

I slowly approached him in hopes of forming a strong bond with him.
"Ohayo~ Aoi-san!" I said trying to sound cutesy.

"Ah- (Y/n) um h-hi," he said blushing. I simply giggled. "How's the art going?" I asked.

"N-not good," he said looking down. I felt pity but just as I put my hand on his shoulder he jumped with inspiration.

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