We make it to the infirmary quicker than I could have probably walked. Ark sets me down, a nurse rushing to my side immediately. Usually she only tends to the staff here, and I can see the terror in her eyes that now she has to tend to me.

Ark stays by my side as the nurse looks over me. By the time she has finished, my father is striding through the door, not looking impressed.

The entire point of training was to save my life, not put it in more danger.

"These are strange symptoms. It's no dehydration, though," the nurse explains, rubbing her brow uneasily.

"What is it then?" Father demands.

"I'm not sure. Have you eaten anything unusual recently?" she asks me. She eyes my father uncomfortably, even as she talks to me.

Knowing my father, he will fire her without a second thought if she doesn't get this right.

"Not that I know of," I recall. I barely ate last night, when Caspian was over. Maybe that is what has caused this uncomfortable feeling within me.

"I'll speak to the cook right now," father exclaims.

I open my mouth to protest, but father strides purposefully out the room before I get the chance. I can only feel sorry for the chef and the abuse they are going to receive.

"She will need a few days off her training," the nurse tells Ark, who hasn't managed to wipe that serious look off his face.

He looks as though he is considering murder, just like my father.

"Of course," he says. My brows raise, shocked that he is conceding so easily, when I thought my training was the most important thing in my life. "If it isn't something she ate, what else could it be?"

The nurse looks over me, considering it. "It could be a virus, or an allergen in the air. It's impossible to tell without further testing."

"Will you test her more?" Ark presses.

"If it happens again, yes. But for now, her symptoms are minor enough, and considering her excellent health history, I doubt it's anything serious," the nurse says, smiling down at me.

I smile back tightly. This is likely nothing at all, just a random incident that has occured from all the stress I've been through recently.

"She should be tested though. Just in case." Ark's tone is becoming more firm, and to the nurse's credit, she doesn't appear to shaken by him.

In fact, if I'm not missing something, there is a glint in her eye.

"It's nothing to worry about. There are more dangers Kiva must face elsewhere," she says, rubbing Ark's arm as if to comfort him.

He frowns, looking down at her hand.

"I'm very aware of that," he says slowly.

"Ark," I cut in, deciding I don't feel like watching this awkward exchange in my state. "I feel fine. Much better. I'll have some water then some rest, and I'll be as good as new."

He breathes in deeply, still not looking convinced. I thought he was only capable of being attentive with training, not with my health.

"I'm giving you a week off," he decides.

"I don't need a week." By tomorrow morning I'll feel much better. Ark is being far too careful.

"To be safe, you get a week off," he tells me firmly, watching the nurse wander off, realising she isn't going to be needed any longer.

My eyes narrow. "That means an extra week of having to deal with you."

"I'm afraid so," he murmurs, and I swear I see him smile.

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