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Rain splattered against the window, droplets of water cascading down the smooth glass. Thunder roared outside, the sound of it gave me some type of euphoric feeling. The lights in the room flickered every few seconds as lightning stroke in the distance from the hospital. The rooms were white as snow. It smelt like a mixture of bleach and air freshener, which was quite unbearable. The beeping sound of my heart monitor was consistent at a slow pace. Some people get scared when thunderstorms happen. I get calm when they happen. It is as if the earth decided to give me some type of peace offering, today it'll give me a storm that way I don't have to make one.

"What you need to understand is what she went through was traumatic." I heard the voice of my social worker outside the door, "Once she starts living with you guys, it'll take a lot. She might not talk at first. She might cause all sorts of trouble for you. But whatever it is, you need to remind yourself to not give up on her. Kids like her that go through these similar situations put up barriers, they want to see if you'll kick them out. They want to see if you'll give up on them. Because in their mind, the world has already done so."

I yawned feeling a bit tired. I was in a hospital bed with disgusting red Jello and a thin itchy blanket that didn't even keep me warm. I had a migraine forming in my head from the irritable noise of my heart moniter.

"Will she be okay?" I heard a soft creaky voice ask. I turned my head toward the door. They were right behind it.

"With time, she will be." My social worker answered her the best she could.

"Oh my god, we should've came for her!" The soft creaky voice gasped, she sounded as if she was about to sob.

"If only we did." an older masculine voice said.

I shifted my eyes toward the window. These people, who barley knew me, were crying for me. While I didn't feel a single thing. The only thing I could feel was the physical shake of the earth as rain poured hard onto its green ground and lightning stroke some beloved thick trees. Storms have a thing for creating all types of messes. Tornados cut through houses and buildings ripping them apart. Blizzards cause power lines to collapse and soil to freeze. Hurricanes produce strong winds and heavy rainfall that causes the land to flood.

I am also a storm, but I cannot explain the mess I make. Because I am nothing like those other storms. When you hear of a tornado or tsunami coming you know what to expect. With me, nothing can be expected.

A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts, "Klara, can I please come in?" My social worker asked.

"Yes." I said, my voice sounding like sand paper was rubbing against my vocal cords.

My social worker opened the door wide, two short figures standing behind her. "I would like to introduce you to your grandparents."

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