Twins Birthday

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A/N Since my last story was kinda on the down side I decided to make a really fluffy one shot. Also considering its the twins birthday today so it fits. Enjoy ^-^

"Oi you sluts! Wake up, we have a surprise for you!" Beau's booming voice echoed into Jai's and Luke's room. The door bursted open and bounced off the wall with great force. Light filled the once dark room, making the twins groan and dig their heads deeper into the soft pillow. "Get your lazy asses up! The boys and I have a surprise." He demanded opening the shades to fill the room with even more light.

"Fuck off Beau. Not even on our birthday we can get some peace and quiet." Luke mumbled into his pillow as he turned on away from his older brother.

Jai sat up while trying to rub away the sleepiness from his eyes. He looked over at the alarm clock and groaned, "Goddamn it Beau, it's fucking 9:36 am! What's so important that you had to wake us up this early?" His voice dripped with annoyance as he swung his legs over the queen sized bed he slept on. The twins are sharing Jai's because Luke's room was being remodeled so he's in Jai's room for the time being.

A smirk was plastered onto Beau's face, "Like I said the boys and I have a surprise. You're gonna have to get ready to find out. Dress nice." He took one last glance at the twins before leaving the slightly messy room.

Jai slides off his bed and drags his feet across the carpet to Luke's bed. He grabs a spare pillow and began to hit his sleepy twin with it. "Luke get yo lazy ass up! They have a surprise for us, come on!" He continued to assault his brother with the fluffy pillow until he sat up.

"Quit it why don't ya! I'm up." Luke was hoping to be able to sleep till noon but there has been a change of plans. He sat off the edge of the bed and stretched his sore muscles while yawning tiredly. "I'm gonna go shower." He declared then walked off to the shower.

Jai went over to his own dresser and pulled out khaki shorts, boxers and a nice light blue short sleeve button down. After he set the clothes on his bed, he set off to the bathroom down the hall. After a 15 minute warm shower Jai wrapped a towel around his waist and went back to his room. Luke was already in there and was getting changed into his khaki shorts and a light pink sleeveless button down. He went over to his own bed and quickly got dressed. Both boys went over to the mirror and began to fix their hair with gel.

Finally after 30 minutes of fixing their hair they took one last look in the mirror, grabbed their phones and wallets, slipped on their gray Vans and left the room. Jai looked over at Luke who was playing with his phone, "What do you reckon the surprise is?" To be honest Jai was incredibly curious.

Luke shrugged his shoulders and put his phone back on his pocket, "No clue but hopefully it was not like last years surprise. I do not want to covered in elephant shit again!" Last year the boys surprised the twins with a trip to the zoo and let's just say things did not end well for Luke.

Jai chuckled at the image of his twin covered in elephant shit, "That was kinda funny tho." Luke playfully shoved his brother for making that comment. This just caused his twin to chuckle even more.

The twins finally made it to the living room to see James, Skip, and Beau sitting on the couch watching SpongeBob. Luke and Jai rolled their eyes and walked over to them."Alright boys, we are here now what's the surprise?" Jai inquired as him and his brother stepped in front of the TV.

Beau stood up and placed himself between his younger brothers and wrapped his arm on each of their shoulders. "We're going out for lunch at that fancy new restaurant down the block then afterwards we're going go-karting and then finally we're gonna come home and give you your gifts." Luke and Jai looked at their brother and back at each other.

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