
741 16 11

April 1,
11:30 am

Kits pov:

I sat down on the fold-up chair under the tint. It had to of been 28 degrees celsius outside. Today we were filming the rugby match

Don't get me wrong I love being Nick Nelson in Heartstopper. It's such a privilege and a lot of fun. Being outside in this heat on the other hand isn't so much. It hasn't been this hot since the summer of last year, and it's only spring!

I've made so many friends already that I'm thankful for! The whole cast is full of amazing, kind, supportive, and talented people.

Now, the whole cast and crew had a break for lunch before we jumped back into filming. There were tents set up all over the set, plus the bleachers were open.

Most of the cast, consisting of Joe, Sebastian, Toby, Will, Kizzy, Corinna, Yaz, and Rhea all went to the bleacher and ate lunch together. They invited me, but I told them I needed to study for my A levels coming up in a few months. That was true but not the real reason I stayed back. I wanted to FaceTime Kimberly.

Text messages

Hey!! What are you doing?

Eating lunch with Emory
How's filming going?

Filmings okay, It's miserably hot!!
I'm eating alone today and was wondering if you wanted to ft.
Since you're eating with Emory, don't feel like you have to.

we got out for lunch early today, so we went to a restaurant!
Let me go to the bathroom and we can call for a little bit.

We don't have to call Kimberly!!

I wanna talk to you!
Give me a second.


The phone didn't have to buzz once before I answered. "What's up! I miss you." I smiled at the public bathroom ceiling. "Can I see your face?"

Kimberly laughed while showing herself, "this bathroom lighting makes me look so bad. Don't even mention my hair, I didn't want to take it out of the braids I wore last night."

"You look pretty, the messy braids are a good look for you," I said.

"Thanks!" She grinned looking at me.
"Have you worked up the courage to ask about a job for me yet?"

I tensed my jaw, "um, well not yet. I'll ask the director before the lunch is over and I'll let you know."

"Okay, don't make me sound better than I am," Kimberly said readjusting herself on the toilet.

"I'll make sure to tell them how awesome and hard-working you are!" I picked my lunch bag off the ground beside me and opened it up. "Are you actually using the bathroom?" I asked confused

"No, I'm just sitting here talking to you." She shook her head. "Maybe don't stress to them how hardworking I am, remember you ended up doing my research paper."

I shrugged, "You're hard-working on things you enjoy! Research not being on that list." I took a bite of the sandwich they gave everyone for lunch. "I don't blame you. I wouldn't have done that for anyone, except you."

you're so lovely ; kit connor Where stories live. Discover now