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Test messages


Hey mom!
I have a life update for you

What's up

I just got home from Kit's house, today was his 18th birthday, I thought you might want to know we're going out now!!

I never thought this day would come,
When do I get to meet him

whenever you want

I'll have to seen when I can get off work long enough to visit you.
I'm for sure off on your birthday! I already booked my flight!!

I can't wait to see you!!

Me to!
Don't you have work tomorrow?
Why are you up so late 🤨🤨

I told you I just got home from his house!
I'm an adult mum i don't have a bed time

Haha I'm just messing with you
Have a good night kimy xx

• • •

March 27,

Kimberly's pov:

It's been about 3 weeks since Kit's birthday. Those 3 weeks weren't really much different from any others, except now me and Kit are together, officially. When I think back on it we've kinda acted like a couple since the day we met.

We text nonstop, hang out whenever we get the chance, and we kissed 2 times before we said anything about dating. But now I stopped counting the times we kissed, it would probably be to much to count on my fingers. It's really weird being in a relationship, all the other boyfriends I had maybe lasted 3 days no feelings involved.

What can I say we're in the honeymoon phase.

Today was a Saturday, which was usually the day we would hang out. I rolled out of my bed, went to the bathroom, than made myself some tea. I like to drink my tea outside but today was extremely cold, I went back to my bed instead.

I pulled the covers back over me then got my phone off the charger to see if I had any new messages.

3 new messages from Kitkat

I grinned sliding up as soon as I saw his name.

Text messages


Good morning, love
I have something planned for us!
Text me when you're up xx

Good morning
and since when are we doing pet names babe

Since now ig haha
can I come pick u up :)

That sounds great!
See you soon sweetheart😍

Okay no more pet names 💀
You're making it weird

you're so lovely ; kit connor Where stories live. Discover now