-Chapter 19-

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Walking into the firehouse I made a be-line straight towards Boden's office completely distracted by my own thoughts, so much so that I didn't even notice gabby call my name when I pasted her in the hallway as I speed walked towards the door that was labeled Chief on it, knocking 3 times before getting a response that tells me that I could come in I opened the door then went inside.

Once I was in the office and the door was once again closed behind me I stood infront of Bodens desk slightly nervous on what I was about to ask him about having a few days off on leave and to explain the situation I was in.

Boden)"You wanted to talk with me Severide?"

"Yes Chief, I was wondering if you could let me have a week or so off on leave starting from today or tomorrow if possible. You see an old acquittance of my ex husband has shown his head and even reached out to me yesterday, so now the intelligence unit of Chicago PD would like my help to bring him and his mafia gang down, hopefully"

Boden)"Have you thought this through properly? The last think I need is a call telling me that one of my best firefighters is injured or worse. Just be safe and don't so anything stupid like Kelly would do"

"So.... is that a yes chief?"

Boden)"You can have a week off, no more than that Severide. Your leave will start tomorrow"

After quickly thanking him I left his office with a sigh of relief that I had a week off to focus on getting that bastard behind bars and out of my life for good. Once I quickly changed into my uniform I went to the kitchen for a much needed cup of coffee after my long sleepless night, I was so worried and paranoid that Norizaki will burst through my front door at any second didn't give my mind time to rest one bit, it was nerve-racking to say the least.

After I had gotten my coffee I settled down on a chair in the corner of the room by the table with my coffee, my feet resting on a chair that was infront of me as my knees was bent so I could rest my book which I had started last night after putting River to sleep and snuggled up next to Jay in bed while I read my book. 

After about an hour or so I looked over only to notice that Jay had fell asleep and I knew that my mind was too wired to even sleep so I turned off the side lamp, went downstairs and got settled down there on the sofa with a blanket along with my book which I carried on reading until my alarm clock in the early hours of the morning went off.

When I felt a hand was placed on my knee I jumped alittle whipping my head up to see who it was infront of me I saw a rather worried Gabby that was now sat down in a seat next to me, so I quickly marked my book with a sigh as I put my feet back on the floor and I already knew what she was going to ask about because I looked like an exhausted wreck as I have looked in the mirror this morning so yh.

"Don't even say it, I already know I look like shit okay. I couldn't sleep last night because something..... came up yesterday"

Gabby)"Like what? [Y/N], you're the strongest, confident and headstrong woman I know, so what ever it is I'm sure that -"

"I had a call from one of Jason's "friends" yesterday"

I interrupted her mid sentance desperate to finally get what I'm feeling off my cheat and tell someone, I looked around the room before signaling to her follow me so we could talk somewhere no one could over hear and once I was settled down on my bunk I finally told her everything about what happened yesterday, from the beginning to end. All of it.

Gabby)"That's a bad idea, no, a terrible idea actually. [Y/N], you're getting involved in a very big and dangerous investigation! What if something goes wrong? What will happen with River?"

"Kelly is put down as her next of kin, but I'm hoping that everything goes as planned so it won't come down to that"

It was understandable that she was worried about me helping with the investigation into my ex husband's associates which are extremely dangerous people in the criminal world, I was only putting myself up to become a potential target and put River in danger also, that's why I was going to get Kelly to look after her for the next 2 week's so she wasn't in any danger.

Rest of the day it was alittle tense between me and Gabby as she didn't approve of what I was going to do next week and the others could obviously feel the tension between us, it was now night and the firehouse was quite just how I like it on a 24 hour shift.

Knocking on Kelly's office door it only took him a minute to open it and once he saw it was me he let me in already knowing that I needed to talk, I sat on the end of his bed before a sigh tumbled past my lips completely exhausted but at the same time too wired to even sleep, it was times like this that I hated my ADHD.

Kelly)"You look wrecked, did you take your medication today?"

"Yh but it's not working. Kelly, I need to tell you something and please don't overreact okay?"

He gave me a nod so I explained everything, from Norizaki contacting me yesterday to the intelligence unit of PD asking in my assistance in the case as I've delt with him before, and like I expected he completely over reacted. He kept telling me for the next 10 minutes how much of a bad idea it was, not only for me to get involved in an active investigation on someone so dangerous but also for River too.

He definitely made me second guess myself but then I thought about all the people I cared about and all the times Jason put me through hell, that was the thought that made me steeled my resolve and there wasn't anything that could change my mind anymore. Looking up at Kelly I gave him a serious look before telling him that I have to do this in order for everyone and millions of other people to be safer, to not go through what I did.

He eventually understood where I was coming from and agreed to look after River while I was helping with the investigation, soon night turned to morning and luckily there wasn't a single bell ring all night meaning I at least managed to get a few hour's of sleep. After breakfast Boden call everyone into the conference room for the morning meeting where he told everyone about my leave of absence for the week, I explained why I wasn't going to here for the next week which got a mixture of emotions but all of the wished me luck and told me to be careful that I appreciated greatly.

Once I got home that morning Jay was just finished getting River ready for school and when she heard me come in  through the door she jumped on me happy that I was home, a smile slipped onto my face glad I had my baby girl as I gave her a big hug the a kiss of her forehead before putting her down, next I gave Jay a kiss on the lips after he welcomed me home which made River squeal in disgust and excitement from seeing this.

Jay)"You still ready for next week? I'll understand if you back out, Norizaki is a really ruthless mafia leader"

"I'm so ready to kick his ass into jail where he belongs, I just want that part of my life over with. I want to move on, just you, me and River, all of us as a family what you say? Honey?"

I teased with a playful grin on my face as I lent my forehead against his just before he wrapped his arm's around my waist and through me over his shoulder making me laugh, eventually he put me down with the biggest smile on his face as she whispered yes in my ear, this was my new beginning and so was danmed if I let it slip the my fingers, ever.

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