Chapter 15: Desaster In Paradise

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It was another normal day on the job of being a firefighter with calls coming in every now and then, typical Tuesday morning, a call came in so we all rushed into action and on are way there with Truck driving a few miles infront of the Squad truck and me being sat in the middle of the seat that was facing towards the windshield I saw the whole accident between Tuck 81 and Tuck 66.

"What the hell!"

Kelly used the radio to call in the accident and once we where on scene we all got are orders from him then got to work, me Kelly and Newhouse went to 81 to help them out as the others on squad got to work on 66, Mouch was the only one with a bad injury as he hurt his eye which meant everyone on 81 got luck where as 66 didn't.

I decided to help Sylvie anyway I could as the guys was pretty much good dealing getting the driver out of Truck 66, I Joe climbing down off the turned over tuck so I went over to check if he was okay but I was clear that he wasn't  because I knew he was going to blame himself anyway possible, when I heard Kelly shout Peters name I looked over and saw he fainted off the top of the truck but soon as he hit the ground he got back up like it was nothing.

soon the driver of 66 was freed and was quickly rushed to an ambulance which was behind where the police was talking to making him do a blow test checking if he was on anything to make the crash to happen to begin with,  I could tell today was going to be one hell of a stressful day, oh how lovely.

We all went to the hospital to be there for Mouch, I stood beside Peter and I gently nudged his side to catch his attention which worked I gave him the look that said" Talk later, no discussion over it" which he nod in under standing before chief came over and told us all to start heading back to 51, I was walking behind Peter and my brother and even Kelly noticed something was off with him.

Kelly stopped him and Peter came clean about him having headaches ever since the accident but he thought it was the pain meds just wearing off although I told him otherwise but he didn't listen, the typical man for ya, stubborn. It wasn't a surprise that Kelly told him tog et checked out by a doctor before next shift which made a small pleased smile come to my face which Peter saw, he only gave me his stubborn puppy pout before we carried on walking after Kelly.

"I tried to tell you but you kept denying it, you could of seriously hurt yourself"

Peter)"I know, I'll go an see a doctor okay"

Once we were back at 51 I jumped out of the squad truck and took off my coat and hung it on the hand of the door before taking off my boots with the fireproof trousers, a sigh left my lips as I walked into the kitchen rubbing my shoulder abit as it was feeling stiff so I rolled it abit to try and ease the stiffens and pain that I felt, over the rest of the shift my shoulder did ease but it must be from stress.


The next day the replacement Truck came which they like to call the old beast and I could see why, it was rusty and old, thank god I'm not the one driving that old beast. I spotted Kelly on his phone trying to get ahold of Peter but it went straight to voicemail, when he looked up he saw me and I knew he was going to ask if I heard form Peter as I was close with him after all.

"Before you ask, yes I know about Peter being signed off squad as I went with him to his appointment and no I haven't heard from him, at all"

Kelly)"You went with him? why?"

"As a friend Kelly, emotional support"

He just shrugged it off and went out to the squad table as I walked into the kitchen area and when I saw that Mouch was here I gave him a smile and a pat on the shoulder when I went past him, I got myself a cup of coffee just as Trudy came in and started to fuss over Mouch which I found cute that they work so well, it made me think about me and Jay and if we will work that well together.

"I'm glad things are going well with you an Mouch"

Trudy)"How's things going with you and Halstead? He seems to be in a better mood since hat little dinner he had with you though"

"Really? That's nice I guess"

A smile crept its way onto my face and I just couldn't help myself but smile hearing that he was happier over the last few day just because he came over for dinner and spent time with me and River, it made me feel all teen girl fuzzy with her first love, I'm starting to like feeling this way. For the rest of the day I also was in a good mood which made everyone slightly curious on why but I just ignored them not wanting to ruin my good mood.

Later I went to Molly's for the fundraiser for the driver of truck 66, I had to bring River as I couldn't get a babysitter which was fine because it was easy to occupy a 6 year old with a coloring book and pens that Gabby always keeps behind the bar just incase a situation like this happened with anyone, Gabby also dropped the amazing news that she's going to be Truck 81s new candidate.

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