Chapter 28

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im so excited for the ateez comeback... jlfkhsghs
ok enjoy!

< ~ >

Once they get to Wooyoung's house they get their stuff quickly and run into the house. "Mother! We're here!"

"Hi Wooyoung! Ah San, very nice to meet you." She gives the two boys a warm smile. "I cut up some fruit and veggies, I figured you might need a snack. They're on the table so go put your stuff down and come back." She wipes her hands off on her apron and walks back into the kitchen.

"C'mon I wanna show you my room!" Wooyoung softly grabs San's hand and leads him up the stairs and back through a hallway to his room. "Just... don't make fun of me ok?"

San giggles but nods, "Of course Woo, I would never." Wooyoung opens the door and San's jaw drops. For one, it's definitely the biggest room in the house. The walls are light sage green with vines all over the ceiling. To the left of the door there's a minecraft torch mounted on the wall and shelves with legos, books, pokemon cards, and stuffies. His bed has fairy lights wrapped around the metal headboard. Behind his bed there's music notes all across the wall obviously painted by him.

"Say something oh my god!" Wooyoung laughs as San just looks around taking it all in.

"You..." San walks closer to him gently pushing him towards the wall. "You are the cutest thing I've ever seen." San slowly kisses Wooyoung passionately as they both get lost in the kiss. Everything feels far away, like the world has dissolved and they're the only two things left in the universe. San never wanted it to end. They finally pull away, Wooyoung placing his forehead against San's.

"I'm uh, really glad you decided to come." Wooyoung whispers.

San laughs softly, "Yeah me too... You know we never went on that date."

"Oh god we didn't! Once this whole thing is over we're going on a date, m'kay?" Wooyoung says pulling back to put his stuff on his bed.

"Sounds good, now let's go downstairs. I don't want your mom to be suspicious of anything." They prance downstairs, sliding into the chairs at the table.

< ~ >

Wooyoung and San are cuddled up on the couch, Wooyoung's mom sitting on the love seat to the left of them. They're watching an old movie Wooyoung's mom said was amazing, which for the record it was. The three of them had been hanging out all day, they walked down to a creek Wooyoung used to play in with Yeosang and went to his favorite ice cream place, the owner was extremely happy to see him. After a full day everyone's tired but going to sleep was the last thing running through all of their minds.

"So, are you two dating?" Yuhna asks casually, not looking away from the movie. They both look at her wide-eyed then one another.

"Um, no?" Wooyoung says, looking cautiously at San who isn't saying anything.

"Alright... if you say so." She shrugs and goes back to watching the show quietly.

< ~ >

Once the movie ends everyone decides to go to sleep exhausted from the day. "I put an air mattress in your room earlier Wooyoung." His mom says as she retires to her room. "Good night boys, I had a really fun day."

"Thanks mother, good night!" Wooyoung and San go upstairs and walk into his room, stopping at the door because the air mattress basically blocks off the entrance.

"She wanted us as far away as possible, huh?" San laughs, glancing at the mattress in front of them and then up at the bed across the room.

"I guess so. I'm sorry about her question, by the way." Wooyoung says as he pulls out pajamas and his toothbrush from his bag on the bed.

"It's ok. It's not like I don't have the complete intention of dating you, I'm just waiting until the right moment." San winks and walks into the bathroom. Leaving Wooyoung completely shocked with his own thoughts. Once he comes back he walks over to the mattress but before he can lay down Wooyoung grabs his hand and pulls him into his body hugging him tightly.

"I-Is this ok?" Wooyoung asks quietly into San's shoulder.

"More than ok, but is there a reason for this or is it just my lucky day?" San says, kissing the top of Wooyoung's head before he pulls away.

"I'm just happy you're here, I really like you." Wooyoung says, looking down at his feet. San silently awes at Wooyoung before he puts his finger under his chin and lightly lifts his head up to look at him.

"I like you a lot too. You make me feel really comfortable, I can even make eye contact with you! Usually eye contact really stresses me out but with you... not so much." San smiles. They stand there for a while enjoying each other's presence quietly.

"Will you... will you sleep with me please?" Wooyoung asks.

San looks a little taken back before sputtering out, "I-I uh I don't t-think w-we're there-"

"N-NONONO I mean like go to bed in my bed next to me, and then we sleep and then we wake up and that's it." Wooyoung chokes on his own embarrassment.

"Ohhh ok, ok yeah I'll sleep with you." San smirks.

"You sure do flirt a lot." Wooyoung rolls his eyes.

"Yeah my dad always said just 'cause you're neuro-divergent doesn't mean you shouldn't get laid." Wooyoung laughs, shocked. "My dad's great, you should meet him soon." San says the last part quietly.

"I would love to, now let's go to sleep please, I'm so tired." They lay down, Wooyoung's head laid down on San's chest.

"Good night Woo."

"Night San."

well that was interestinggggg um I hope you have an amazing day/night

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well that was interestinggggg 
um I hope you have an amazing day/night


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