Chapter 20

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omg, look at this wallpaper i found it legit gives me so much serotonin- 

sorry I haven't posted in a while I cut too much and my friends got worried and almost told my parents and just a whole bunch of other shit bUt were all good now :)

< ~ >

"Morning Woo!" Seonghwa says happily as Wooyoung enters the cafe.

"Hi Hwa!" Wooyoung smiles.

"So, I checked the security cameras from yesterday...are you and San dating?!" Seonghwa asks quite loudly, startling the people around them.

"No, we aren't! Chill oh my god." Wooyoung blushes.

"Aww, I gotta go call your brother because of completely different circumstances here are your coffees, bye!" Seonghwa hands Wooyoung the cardboard tray.


< ~ >

"Wooyoung sits next to Mingi, handing him his coffee. "The dancers are coming today right?" Wooyoung asks.

"Yeah, oh look there they are." Mingi points down towards the door. They wave to Yunho and San, motioning for them to come over.

"Here you go!" Wooyoung gives Yunho and San their coffees.

"Alright everyone, please take your seats!" Hongjoong announces. "Today you're going to write reflective essays, I want you to really think about your answers ok? Don't give me a bunch of fluffy bullshit." He smiles, showing them that he was joking. "You will work with your partner but submit the essays separately. Um... San! Since your partner is...absent you can work with Wooyoung and Juyeon." San gives Hongjoong a thumbs up.

"Alright go!" Juyeon walks over to Wooyoung and San sits down on the other side.

"Hi, Juyeon!" Wooyoung says in a friendly tone.

"Hi, Woo! Oh hey, San!" San gives Juyeon a small wave before pulling out his laptop. They write and talk all of the class, giving feedback on every millisecond of their performances.

"Alright class is over, get these in before tomorrow please!" Hongjoong waves to everyone before leaving the classroom.

"Woo! Wanna go somewhere?" San asks. Juyeon slinks away, going to find his boyfriend who's in the classroom next door.

"Where?" Wooyoung asks back, packing up his computer and notebooks.

"You'll see!" San giggles suspiciously before grabbing Wooyoung's hand and pulling him down the stairs. Wooyoung hears his phone beep so he pulls his arm away from San momentarily. "One second I just got a text." Wooyoung says.


Hey! It's Byunchan.


Oh hey!


Are you free rn?


No sorry, San and I are going out






Oh ok!

Wooyoung puts his phone back in his pocket then runs to catch up with San who's sitting on a bench doing something on his phone. "San! Are you ready to go?" Wooyoung asks, grabbing his hand and pulling him up.

As they walk off the campus Wooyoung feels something softly tap his shoulder. He turns around to find Byungchan standing extremely close to the two of them. San gasps silently as he sees the man standing behind him. "Oh, um hey!" Wooyoung says.

"Hi youngie!" Byungchan says. "Who the hell is this?" San thinks. He walks backward, lightly bringing Wooyoung back towards him as well. 

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend," Byungchan says, glancing down at their hands.

"Oh, I don't." Wooyoung replies curtly, dropping San's hand quickly. San feels a twang of jealousy and hurt when he answers.

"Hi, I'm San. I'm sorry but we actually have to go right now, bye." San says rudely before pulling Wooyoung away. They're both silent as they walk to San's car, the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. They drive in silence, neither of them daring to bring anything up. San drives about 30 minutes outside of town before they reach a grassy cliff.

"San... you're not gonna kill me right?" Wooyoung asks nervously.

"I- no Woo, I'm not going to kill you." San chuckles as they walk over and sit down on a softer patch of grass near the edge of the cliff. "I remember that night we were talking, your eyes lit up when you saw the sun rise. I've seen the most beautiful sunrises on this cliff so I wanted to take you. I was going to take you in the morning but it would've been too early so I figured a sunset would do." San explains.

Wooyoung listens intently, taking in every kind word San says. "Sannie! That's so sweet- is that why you wanted us to get here so quickly?"

"Yeah, I didn't want you to miss it." San says.

They sit in a peaceful silence, watching as the day takes its last breath of light before it's swallowed by the darkness that is night. The sky is a beautiful pinkish orange with hints of red beneath the clouds. Definitely a sight worth seeing. Wooyoung motions his head at San's lap to ask for permission before he lies down. San nods, folding his legs in a position that would be more comfortable for Wooyoung. Looking at San once more just to double check, Wooyoung lays his head down in San's lap, admiring a different view now.

The last drops of sunlight hit San's face at the perfect angle, giving him more of a golden glow than he already had. The pinkish hues across the sky made San's hair look even prettier than ever before, if Wooyoung had to describe San in one word right now he would say ethereal.

No, enchanting

No, angelic

No, perfection.

The thing is, San really was perfect. Besides being one of the most beautiful people in the world, he was loving, caring and sweet. There's nothing you could ever do to change Wooyoung's views on San. Because to him, San was everything. 

did I just deviously end the chapter before something big happens

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did I just deviously end the chapter before something big happens...who knows? 

h e h e h e 

Have a nice day/night


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