"Yes" ... "he's cool" i tell and she goes to turn back before Amanda's head pops over the staircase. "Haze it's late honey" she smiles and Haze gives me a wave that I give back before leaving. Amanda then smiles. "Hope everything is fit for you, I tried to make it seem ..." she pauses and i nod, "like a serial killers hideout" i chuckle and she giggles. "Yes indeed" ... "have some sleep lovely" she smiles again and I exchange yet another smile back. "Goodnight" ... "goodnight sweetheart" Amanda closes the flap behind her and locks it. Typical of her to lock it. That way I don't escape in the night. I miss it though. Life outside of the basement already. I lay down and sigh, thinking about a lot of things ... Jake, my dad ... The flap opens and Jake smiles from the staircase, i smile and sit right up.

Now, roaming around the good side, everything is new and different and epic. I've never felt more in awe. We come across tons and tons of random people and the best part is that they don't even realise we're from the other side, the bad side. Jake walks into a bar where a blonde girl has stolen the show. She dances on the table and doesn't even appear to be drunk. She smiles and waves toward Jake. Jake watches and then turns to face me ... "you've fucked her haven't you" i ask and he nods. "Twice" he tells and I sit and order us beer, "she goes to that Railwood Prep bullshit too" he says and I then click. "Wait, that's Ellie" i say. "Yeah" ... "how'd you know" he asks and I nudge him. "Your fucking around with Hazes best friend" i shout over the loud music, and he laughs.

"It's not funny" ... "it is funny" he chuckles. "She's good too" he goes on and I roll my eyes. "Save me the details" i tell and he kicks me under the table, "your no fun" he pouts and i give him the middle finger. Ellie comes running past and sits beside me. She isn't even bothered. She smiles at Jake and takes my drink. "Excuse you" i take it back and she looks toward me and then at Jake. "Cory" he tells and she perks up a bit, "nice to put a face to a name" she says. "I know tons about you" ... "I know too much about you" Jake kicks me under the table again. "Have you met Haze yet?" She must know so I nod my head and Jake takes it too far, once again ... "is she hot".

"Dude" ... Ellie giggles, "she is but she doesn't like the everything else." I look toward her and she has my beer again, this time, I don't mind it. "No sex" ... she shakes her head. "No nothing" she places my drink back down and it's my turn to take it. So I do and I watch around us. "Tylers here" Ellie pouts and she gets up off the seat shared with me. "Who?" ... "where are you going?" Ellie walks away and Jake watches and then turns and then smiles. "She's left me half my own drink" i tell and he chuckles again. "She's also having some trouble over there Jake" i point and he turns around.

Jake gets up and I follow him quickly, too quickly ... i must've stunned my ankle and twisted it or something. It hurts but not that much. I'm too focused of Jake. Jake stands by Ellie and Ellie pushes Tyler, then pushes Dean. Dean is the guy Ellie also mentioned and now Jakes just about ready to end these guys. "Jake, you don't know the backstory" ... "fuck the backstory" he spits. Tyler and Dean get too in Ellie's face and drunk or not, it's not on for Jake who now stands in front of Ellie. "Who are you" Tyler asks and Dean just stays quiet, he stares at me mind. "You'll know me soon enough" Jake smirks and Tyler eases, Dean notices the fast change in Tyler's emotions. "Tyler, can we go before Ellie gets us beaten up by this wannabe weirdo and his blonde Ken bestie" and that's when I come in ...

"Blonde Ken bestie" ... "take that back asshole" I stand beside Jake and Dean just shakes his head. Tyler bites his lip, "your too much of a soft ass and now you ain't fighting back" Jake pushes Tyler, which gets Dean to punch Jake. Which causes a fight to break between the both of them. Causing me to grab Jake, Tyler to grab Dean and Ellie to watch in horror. She then grabs her things and storms off. Jake breaks from me and follows her and I could've continued, I could've went to catch up with Jake ... but I chose to just go home instead.

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