Chapter 8

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Y/n: I see. Sorry I got you all on this mess.

Persephone/Fimbulvetr: it's okay. We're just buy another one.

The boy grunts in agreement, seeing the two adults going to buy another one. He look back at the destruction, but then he followed the two adults so to avoid being blamed for collateral damage.

Y/n: (Glenfarth von Veratyr Apocalypse, I'll never let you get away from this.)



This is getting nowhere. My alter ego told me of a potential threat that is Otto's brother, and I don't know where his whereabout. This is more troublesome than dealing with Dr Jackal and the World Serpent.

But, maybe I could just speed things up with their master being in cryostasis, awakening him to his glory. Though that might not be the best of ideas considering his extreme pragmatism that would caused genocide once it happens.

So nope, I ain't gonna let the ten thousand year old PTSD driven veteran gone rogue. Not after I prepare for a solution to let him fit in. Like Fu Hua......though she lost her memory so I can't say.

Now I need to find a way to develop Magic again. Although, it's gonna be hard considering it requires a lot of experience and accumulation of Magic powers to do so. And, what I did is just abandoned all my accumulated powers just to revitalize my physical condition back to good shape.

Urrrrrggghhhh, what can I do ? From what I heard of, Glen can manipulate any supernatural phenomena to his liking. And even possessed the ability to make Spheres!!!!!! Something that takes me years to create!!!!!

Well, as expected of centuries years old scientists and plotters. Now I had two of them eyeing on me.


Hate myself for this. But no use for grieving right now. I had to think of something.

Y/n???: hmmm, you seem to be frustrated. I know. We're facing against an enemy we can't mess with in our current state.

Y/n: I know. But to defeat him is to know what he's capable of, his weakness and all the others.

Y/n???: well that's bad. Because you're dealing with an Ancestor, literally a being blessed by higher dimensional luck, and a sh*tton of plot armo-I mean, future predicting powers. The fact that you beat two of them means that you caught them off guard.

Y/n: did you do this ?

Y/n???: well, that's a long story. But we need to think of how to channel magic powers to your body.

I had to think of something, like another way to channel it artificially than just accumulate it naturally-wait the second, that's it!!!!!!

Y/n???: somehow, I'm scared.

Y/n: that's it!!!!!! I know what to do!!!!! I could make an artificial Magic core!!!!!

Y/n???: we done enough natural law breaking. Can't you just let it rest for now and think this through ?

Y/n: you're technically right. However, we're dealing with someone who can just rewrite the whole universe on a whim. So I know what needs to be done.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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