Apostle Planete Bio

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Name: Cecilia Schariac, Persephone

Title: Trinity Goddess, Queen of Darkness and Boundaries

Look (formerly):

Look (formerly):

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Personality: motherly, nice, caring

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Personality: motherly, nice, caring.

Like: Kiana, Y/n, Siegfried, Fimbulvetr.

Hate: Izana, Otto.

Powers and Abilities

Silverio Persephone: Persephone's Asterism, phenomena deactivation ability. It's a black miasma reminiscent of death star. Power which turns off all forms of light and abilities. Because of its decent rank in diffusibility Rain can project a literal domain of darkness, protecting herself from starlight assault and at the same time bringing her opponent at the death's door. At the same time, huge rank in interference means she can start her Asterism from omnipresent astral itself, thus there are no blind spots for her ability. This black miasma erodes not only starlight, but also five senses, heat and even life activity; virtually everything that's touched by astral. Similiar to Hades own Asterism, it's able to bring devastating effects on human body no matter how miniscule physical contact was. Despite its seemingly disperse nature, Persephone has rather high rank in convergence and she can even erode Dainsleif's body to the bones. Her output surpasses Y/n's Mk.Braze Hyperion and only maintenance rank is average. Released miasma also functions as a powerful defense and it stops bullets by devouring their momentum or extinguishes explosions by interfering directly with heat. Moreover, due to their abilities sharing the same attributes, she's immune to Kerberos' Asterism.

-Interference―maximum output: Persephone converges enormous amount of deployed miasma and plunges everything into life devouring hell. Nothing can escape from inversion of creation; everything changes from yang to yin. Not even Y/n's pseudo-nuclear fusion could break through it.


Name: Kallen Kaslana, Fimbulvetr

Title: Goddess of Silver, Tsukuyomi, Kujou Misaki

Look (formerly):

Look (formerly):

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Personality: strong-willed, righteous, like the other Kaslanas she's very stubborn and always put her life on the line

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Personality: strong-willed, righteous, like the other Kaslanas she's very stubborn and always put her life on the line.

Like: Persephone, Yae Sakura, Y/n, Otto (formerly.)

Hate: Schicksal.

Powers and Abilities

Silverio Fimbulvetr: Fimbulvetr's Asterism, astral crystalization ability, supply type. It's a starlight which grants huge amount of astral particles to her partner. To use this Misaki must pierce herself with one of her swords (alternatively, piercing herself with more swords will allow her to summon more energy, although at the risk of self-destruction) which symbolizes her sacrifice. The pure energy she's receiving inside her body is enough to cause instantaneous body remodelling and transform her into Goddess of Silver, Tsukuyomi. Subsequently, this energy is transferred to Y/n and his Apostles.

-Energy emission: Fimbulvetr momentarily connects with Amaterasu and summons wave of pure energy from higher dimension by using her own body as a medium. It's a primitive and formless output that doesn't even take shape of Asterism, but since it's high-dimensional energy nothing in the universe can withstand its heat.


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