4.4- The HSIℲ˥ƎS Wielder of Flames: Prt III

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He turned around and faced the speaker.

Elysia: Do I need a reason to want to see my elder brother~

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Elysia: Do I need a reason to want to see my elder brother~

Kolzreid only stared at her, making her sigh and shrug.

Elysia: I think you need to stop being so pR̴͉̾͋́̋̾͗̚͝͝esumptuous, I truly only wanted to see you, It's been a long time~

Kolzreid:... Has it now...

Elysia: After choosing to enter this place, I immediately realise how much "time" you have spent here.

Kolzreid: ....

Elysia: Honestly, you're like a child, refusing to come out of their room.

Kolzreid: Actually... I will be leaving this place...

Elysia: Eh?... You are? Well that was unexpected...

Kolzreid: I was only here to recuperate...

Elysia: Oh yes, that war involving the 8th Set, right? Hmm... Indeed, you were targeted by most during that war... And yet you still came out on top...

Kolzreid: They were fools to think they could dominate the Omniverse... All I did was remind them why they were 8th. But now I have a new set of fools to "deal" with.

Elysia: Ahh, you mean the others...

Kolzreid: Are you going to try and stop me?

Elysia shook her head.

Elysia: I love them all no matter what choices they make... But it's not as though you'd change your mind, even if I pleaded, and I know better than to try and stand in your way, Onii-chan~... I believe they all knew what they'd be getting into the moment they made the decision to turn against Okaa-san. But, I can't help but pity them. They allowed themselves to be swayed by the mortals.

Kolzreid: The only ones who chose to remain neutral, were you, Aponia and Mobius... I believe that's the only wise decision you've made, Ě̵̦̿̋̕lysia.

Elysia: Eh? How rude! That's not the "only" one... And in this case, it wasn't about being wise. She's our mother you know, you're not supposed to turn on your parents~. You and Aponia are similar, she probably knew what would happen and chose to stay out of it. As for Mobius...

Kolzreid: Mobius keeps to herself, mortals describe her to be more demon like than anything.

More unfamiliar names, (Y/N) assumed that he would become aware of who they were talking about later.

𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖔𝖘 & 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘺 (Re: Zero X Male reader)Where stories live. Discover now