Survivor Simulator (Again)

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Okay so this time, it's Brawl-OTO vs Battle-OTO >:0 Headcanons are included in this one as well.

Also, they're at Vanuatu, which is made up of ~80 islands in the South Pacific. This one allowed for teams of 9, and they are as follows:

Brawl-OTO: Shieldy, Shelly, Party Hat, Hot Dog, Baguette, Chocolatey, Boat, Slurpy, and Popsicley.

Battle-OTO: Badgey, Seashell, Present, Frankfurter, French Fry, Coffee, Sailboat, Straw, and Frozen Treat.

Let's get started 👍

Episode 1:

Immunity Challenge: "This challenge consists of a commando crawl through a mud pit, three players moving a ball through a table maze, grabbing the ball, climbing a ladder to a balance beam, net slide back to the ground, three other players then using provided materials and matches inside the ball to build a fire in a cauldron to burn through a rope, lowering a torch, lighting the torch, and crossing the finish."

Brawl-OTO wins immunity and some flint!

Brawl-OTO Events:

Popsicley is impressing the rest of the team.

Party Hat and Slurpy have a major fight. (even in a simulation, we can't escape the Slurphat angst- though it doesn't say it has a lasting impact so..?)

Br-OTO Alliance 1 forms with 8 strength, consisting of Chocolatey, Shelly, and Slurpy.

Battle-OTO Events:

French Fry and Frozen Treat have a minor disagreement.

Present and Sailboat have a small fight; it has a lasting impact. (damn </3)

Frankfurter and Present bond strongly.

Ba-OTO Alliance 1 forms with 8 strength, consisting of Present and Straw.

Tribal Council: Sailboat is eliminated with 6 votes; Coffee received 3 from Frozen Treat, Sailboat, and Seashell.

Episode 2:

The Ba-OTO Alliance got stronger lol

Reward Challenge: "One at a time, each tribe member must maneuver past the other players standing on a balance beam and get to the finishing platform. If one of them falls or touches more than one other player at once, they must start over. First tribe to get all eight members on the platform wins." 

Battle-OTO wins hammocks, blankets, and pillows.

Immunity Challenge: "The caller guides three groups (each tied together) to retrieve twelve pairs of puzzle pieces, then they work to assemble three puzzles on a set of scaffolding. First to assemble the puzzles and climb the scaffolding wins." 

Battle-OTO wins immunity.

Brawl-OTO Events:

Party Hat and Baguette are impressing the rest of the team.

Popsicley has a major meltdown :(

Br-OTO Alliance 2 forms with 9 strength, consisting of Shelly, Shieldy, and Slurpy. I don't know why Shieldy couldn't have just joined the first alliance, but whatever I guess.

Battle-OTO Events:

Badgey is impressing the rest of the team :]

Present and Straw have a major fight; it has a lasting impact. Also they dissolve their alliance oof </3

Ba-OTO Alliance 2 forms with 9 strength, consisting of Present and Seashell. Present really just said "fuck you Straw; hey Seashell wanna be in an alliance-" 

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