(: (groupchat)

254 3 6

Chocolatey is online

Chocolatey: idk i just feel like she's akways being passive aggressivr


Party Hat is online

Party Hat: ooh spill the tea

Chocolatey: nah i feel likr i'll be hurting someone's feelings

Party Hat: at least give me a hint? anyone in this gc?

Chocolatey: uhhhhh yeah

Shieldy is online

Shieldy: is it Slurpy?

Party Hat: lol

Chocolatey: no but it's someone who types in proper sentences

Chocolatey: unlike us barbarians

Popsicley is online

Popsicley: oh wait was this meant for me?

Chocolatey: yeah

Party Hat: oh you must know then, Popsicley!

Shieldy: spill pls

Chocolatey: wait i don't want to hurt anyone's feelings though

Popsicley: well it's not like she's ever really active here

Popsicley: it'll probably get buried and she won't see it

Pear is online

Pear: You guys better not be talking about me!!

Chocolatey: nah we're talking about someone else

Pear: Oh

Pear: But if you have gossip, I'm def all ears

Pear: Spill, girl

Popsicley: we're actually talking about Princess Diamond

Shieldy: :0

Chocolatey: wait don't get the wrong idea hold on

Pear: THE Princess Diamond???

Chocolatey: waitwaitwiat

Party Hat: wait how is she passive aggressive?

Chocolatey: i can explain

Pear: wait you're telling me PRINCESS DIAMOND is in this group chat??

Shieldy: yeah we're friends :)

Pear: WHAT


Pear: yes please explain how Princess Diamond, who is IN THIS GROUP CHAT, is passive aggressive

Popsicley: lol chill

Pear: btw Shieldy I expect to hear how you and Princess Diamond could possibly be friends

Shieldy: 👍

Chocolatey: i don't think she's passive aggressive it's just the way she types just sounds so stiff? idk

Party Hat: like how she always has proper grammar right

Chocolatey: yeah

Pear: Okay but she's a princess??? She kinda has to

Chocolatey: ik ik but like

Chocolatey: i'm used to seeing things like this where we just type whatever

Chocolatey: but like whenever i see someone using all that proper stuff i just feel like. idk how to say it uh

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