BOTO But as Vines 6

178 3 4

Shieldy: Controlly, excuse my potty mouth!

Shieldy: Shut the FUCK up!

Literally everyone: OHHHHHHH-


Prince Emerald: Hey Mailman, what you do got?

Mailman: Just this letter!

Prince Emerald: Dahhhhh-

Mailman: Ahhhh-

Princess Diamond's letter: Prince Emerald, I don't love you anymore-


Party Hat hiding from a serial killer:

Killer: robin.

Party Hat: Yum! *sudden realization* OH NO! OH NO-


Popsicley: Don't tell your mother (Slurpy)!

Shelly: Befriend one another!

Popsicley: dIE FOR EACH OTHER-



Pizza:*jamming on a trombone*

Shieldy:*slamming the oven*


Shieldy (and Popsicley) in The Way the River Flows: It's a mental breakdown- *kazoo noises*


Pinecone: People are constantly asking me; what's it like to be a sex sym- *trips*


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