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Hey yall! This is the mean chapter!! So Hope u love it cause IK I did

Uh tw! Killing and blood!

No ones pov:

Its been a month Since they found out Ariana was the Killer

They tried to get evidence so they could tell the police but they found nothing

And Ariana hasn't been attacking anybody but adora and catra did switch there math class so they wouldn't have to see Ariana anymore

"Hey adora!" Catra said as she walked over to adora and hugged her

"Hey Catra"

"I love u so much! Yk that?" Catra said as she kissed Adoras cheek

"Aww I love u too!"

"Can I have 20 bucks?" Catra asked


"Ok No I was kidding" Catra said "but I did want to ask u something"


"If I could come over?"


"Seriously?" Catra asked and adora laughed

"Im kidding"

"I don't find u funny"

"Really? Im like the funniest person in the world"

(Time skip)

"Ok no ur just wrong"

"Ok then what's the best show?"

"She ra 100%"

"What the hell is she ra..?"

"I saw it on Netflix one day and I was like hey! This girl has the same name as me! And I watched it"

"Wheres ur bathroom again?"

"Down the hall"

"K, try not to miss me to much" Catra said before she walked over to the bathroom

After a while catra still wasnt back yet so adora went go check on her

"Catra? U constipated or something?" Adora asked as she knocked on the bathroom door but there was no answer "Catra?"

When there was still no answer adora opened the door and saw that catra wasnt there

Then she got a call from a unknown number

"Hi adora,..long time no see"

"What do u want Ariana?"

"Its not what I want its what I have...say hi to adora" Ariana said "Hm she's sleeping right now"

"Ariana let her go"

"I could but that wouldn't be as fun...bye now!"

(Time skip)

Adora called glimmer and bow and they got to Adoras house as soon ad they could

"Ok! What's our plan?"

"Well we kinda have to find her first!"

"I found her!" Glimmer said as she smiled

"What? How?"

"Life360? I guess Ariana didn't take her phone"

"Ok! So now what's the plan?" Bow asked

"I go get catra"

"What? Adora u cant go alone"

"Yes I can its only Ariana"

"Yea well she's also a cold blooded killer! Me and bow are coming with u"




"LOOK! We could either sit here and argue about whos gonna get catra OR we could wait until theres no catra go get!"

"Were going" glimmer said "come on"

(Another time skip)

"Were here...ew this place is a dump"

"Yea whatever lets just get catra and get out"

"Adora we cant j- and she's gone" bow said

"Come on" glimmer said as her and bow got out of the car and followed adora inside

They checked around the house and adora eventually found where catra was

"Catra!" Adora said before she ran over to her and ripped the duck tape off her mouth

"Adora u really shouldn't be here"

"Well I couldn't just leave u"

"U should've!" Catra said as Adora untied the ropes around Catras wrist and legs

But as Adora untied the last rope Ariana stabbed her in the back

"Glad u decided to show up" Ariana said before taking the knife out of Adoras back and stabbing her again and when Ariana took the knife out again adora fell to the floor and Ariana kneeled down down the her

"Catras right u probably should've stayed away" Ariana sis's before she stabbed adora in the stomach "but at least I get the honor Of killing u" she said before taking the knife out

She was about to stab adora again but catra tackled her and took the knife out of her hand

Catra wasted no time stabbing Ariana in the eye and when she took the knife out of her eye she cut her throat
(WOOO Cut up her vocal box!!)

After that catra rushed over to adora and held her in her arms

"Catra im scared i dont wanna die im not ready yet"

"Ur not gonna die just stay with me ok?" Catra said as she started to cry "ur gonna be ok"

"Did-did I help u?" Adora asked as she smiled

"Yea yea u did"

"Good..thats-thats good" Adora said as her eyes started to close but catra gently smacked her a few times and her eyes opened again

"U have to stay awake! Please stay awake"

"I love u catra" Adora said then her smile faded and her eyes slowly closed and her slow breaths disappeared

"Adora? No no please wake up! Adora please i cant lose u!" Catra said "please"

Uhh anyways!!!

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