Chapter 2 : The Noble Man

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The tall figure kneeled down beside them, his calloused hand cradling their face. "Oh my, you seem to be injured. If you allow me to do so, I will carry you back to the headquarters. It's safer there than it is at any hospital here." He explained, his voice soft as to not alarm the person before him. They nodded, and the man sheathed his sword before scooping them up, carrying them bridal style.

He stepped out of the row house and began to sprint out, his pace at a light jog. They noticed that although he was sprinting, each step he took made almost no sound. Peering up at the man, they were able to see his features in the moonlight. He had short hair that was a muted reddish brown. His bangs were so long that they covered his eyes. Looking at his ears, they could see he wore hanafuda earrings that had a mushroom painted on them. When the two made way through the town, the lanterns shone onto him. The person in his arms could see his eyes through his bangs as they bobbed on his face with each fast paced step he took. They were a brilliant red and green and were adorned with fairly long lashes.

His pace slowed down to a walk. "I am sorry if I jostled you around there, I never meant to do that." He apologized, peering down at you. "My name is Yudo Amani, I am a member of the Demon Slayer Corps." He spoke. "I am in the Hashira rank, the highest rank there is." He explained. "A Hashira..." they thought. "I am (name)." They introduced. Amani nodded, signaling that he heard what they said as he focused on the path. "(Name), look! There's wisteria trees, that means we're getting close to the headquarters!" He happily announced to them. "I will have the medics look after you. Though unless if I have any future missions, I will come by and visit you. Would that be alright with you?" He explained, waiting for their response. They nodded, and (name) turned to see that they were in front of the headquarter's gates.

Amanita (Demon Slayer OC x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now