Chapter 1 : Nightfall

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Sake and saliva splattered the dirt path as the towns person coughed, trudging with a bottle in their hand. The merchants and passerby looked in judgement as they struggled to keep their balance, one foot shakily going in front of the other as if it was the weight of lead. The poor soul had been kicked from their own house with nowhere else to stay, now left roaming on the streets and chugging sake to keep their spirits up, or at least at bay.

They made way up to the outskirts of town, wiping tears from their eyes in order to see better. They chugged the last few drops of their sake before smashing the bottle on the ground and making a beeline to an abandoned row house, pushing past the torn up sliding doors. The damp flooring creaked with each step they took and the repugnant stench of mold and asbestos flooded their nostrils. With low hopes, they'd take any shelter, even if it was something as tattered and unkempt as the house.

They felt a sharp pain in their chest, immediately collapsing. They squeezed the fabric of their shirt and started coughing, thinking it was from the amount of asbestos they inhaled. They removed their hand and took a glance at it, noticing that there was blood. Even more dripped out of their mouth, and they began to have trouble breathing. When they looked up, they saw a figure in front of them. It was twice as tall as them, it's kimono nearly falling off of its shoulders. Its hands had claws at the end with blood dripping off of them. When it locked eyes with them, they could tell that this wasn't a human. Its sclera was red and the face around it was inhumanly pale and littered with scars. It dashed towards them, teeth barred in a snarl and bloodthirsty eyes locked on them. They moved out of the way, but the claws clamped onto their arm, squeezing it and burying its claws through the fabric and into the flesh. " warm and fresh...I've been meaning to have a meal like this for a while..." the foul demon spoke, it's eyes not breaking contact from the town persons. They tried to break free from its grasp, clenching the hand of the beast to make it unhand them. It slammed them to the ground and straddled their waist, claws dragging over their chest. "I'm gonna suck the blood right from the source...your heart!" It shrieked.


The demons body still stood on top of theirs, but the head was gone. Blood dripped from the neck and onto them before turning into dust. They tried to get up, but the pain in their chest had gotten worse. They looked up to see a tall figure of a man standing before them, a katana in his hand. But rather his focus being on the demon he had effortlessly slaughtered that is now fading away from the mortal plane, it was on the person laid before him.

Amanita (Demon Slayer OC x Reader) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum