The doctors took the scans and left the room

Chase: "are you okay?"

She shook her head

Charli: "I did everything... all the pain I went through, I never gave up because I thought... I thought it would give me a result... anything... but nothing? Nothing happened... it was all for nothing"

It wasn't for nothing. It's a start.

Chase: "the chemo is working. I think if it wasn't working, it would have been spreading. It will get easier"

I hope it will...


Delilah: "You aren't thinking properly! It's 3AM?? You can't just make those decisions!"

Well I am making the decision??

Delilah: "you can't just postpone the wedding?? We've already sent all the invites, we have everything planned for that day?? It isn't an option."

she can't force me to get married then? I don't want to have the wedding yet.

Chase: "you're sister is dying! And she isn't getting better. I think we have more important things to do. Don't you?"

The wedding is the least of my concerns right now.

Chase: "I can't get married knowing Charli isn't getting better."

She groaned

Delilah: "You think this is easy for me? You think I don't care about my sister? No?! Of course I care. But if we're only gonna get married when her cancer is better, we might never get married!"

Really? She's got no hope at all?

Chase: "maybe Il take that chance."

She scoffed

Delilah: "You did not just say that??"

I did.

Chase: "listen Del, either you postpone the wedding or there will be no wedding"
Delilah: "either you stop talking this crap or we are done?"

She can't seriously be saying that.

Chase: "I seriously can't deal with you right now."

I grabbed my coat off the coat rack

Delilah: "oh great so you're just leaving. Of course you are."
Chase: "We will talk later."

I put on my shoes

Delilah: "where are you even going??"
Chase: "the hospital"

Probably not a great idea to rant to Charli about her sister but I got no one else.

Delilah: "why are you always at the hospital!"
Chase: "because you're not!"

Maybe if she took off some days at work once in awhile, she'd have time to see her dying sister.

Delilah: "don't use that tone on me. Unlike some people, I have to make a living so we can afford to live?!"

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