Summer is Finally Here

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Jennifer's POV-

"Pleeeeease dont give us homework!!!!" I heard Sabrina whispering behind me as we waited for school to end.

"Now class I have decided to be nice" Mrs. Griffin started off as she stood up from her desk.

"That's a first" I muttered under my breath and Kayleigh and Sabrina chuckled.

"As a summer break present I've decided not to give you homework for over the summer." she finished and the whole class erupted in cheers.

"I cant believe that worked" Sabrina said staring at her hands and at Mrs. Griffin in disbelief, as if she had powers or something.

"You're an idiot." I smirked earning giggles from both Sabrina and Kayleigh.

"Alright! Alright class! Settle down!" Mrs. Griffin said trying to calm us down

"That's better. Now-" she started but was cut off by the bell ringing, releasing hundreds of students from class.

We walked briskly with the crowd into the hallway. Pushing our way through, I noticed that every teacher had a look of relief across their face. I smirked knowing they were glad to be rid of us, well at least for the next two months.

"Ahhhhh! I cant believe it's finally summer!!" Sabrina squealed on our way out

"So, Jen. I already know that Sabrina is having her cousin stay with her this summer, but what are you doing?" Kayleigh asked

"You're such a reporter Kay." I said sarcastically earning an eye roll

"Come on"

"Okay, well I dont know what I'm going to do. I might go to Brooklyn." I shrugged as we walked past a barbershop.

When I noticed I was walking alone, I turned around to see a gaping Kay and Sabrina.


"You. In Brooklyn?" Kay asked in disbelief

"Yea, what's so bad about that? It's just Brooklyn."

"Jen, you've heard the stories about people like us going into Brooklyn!" Sabrina said.

"Yea, so? It doesn't mean they're true." i shrugged.

"Well, since you aren't going to change you're mind. I guess we'll go with you." Kayleigh said

"Fine, but if I end up dead I'm blaming it on you two." Sabrina mumbled.

"Oh come on Sabrina. We need an adventure, and not like going to flower shows. I mean a real adventure." Kayleigh said elbowing he to cheer her up

"I'd take Brooklyn over flower shows any day." Sabrina chuckled as we walked into the ice cream parlor, like we always did after school.

"Hey goils. What'll it be today?" Frank asked in a thick Manhattan accent from behind the counter.

Frank was 17, only a year older than the three of us, and was the definition of good looking. Sure, he was cute and had a smile that made you melt, but he was too vulnerable. If he were in a street fight, he'd definitely lose. 

Sabrina had had the biggest crush on him since we were twelve. They'd always have these disgustingly cute conversations about puppies or rainbows or something, while Kay and I talked about school or adventures or something important.

"Chocolate all the way today Frank. It's celebration time." Sabrina giggled as she hopped on to one of the spinning chairs at the counter.

"Ahh, I almost forgot. Last day of school" he smiled getting our sundaes ready

"Yep, we just have senior year to get through next year and then we're out for good." Kayleigh said and started spinning in her chair with Sabrina.

"Here ya go ladies." Frank said sliding our sundaes down the bar to us.

"Thanks Frank!" We all yelled back and he smiled.

"So what are you three doing this summer?" He asked leaning on the counter, facing us.

"Oh nothing......" I said knowing if we told anybody about our adventure we'd get in trouble.


"Yup" Sabrina said through a mouthful of ice cream

"Well if you guys are lookin for somethin to do, my mom's havin a ball next Saturday.." he suggested as he filled another customer's order.

"For what?" I asked earning a playful glare from Sabrina

"His birthday, silly." she smiled at him

"Oh. Sure Frank, we just gotta ask our parent's."Kay said after licking her spoon

"Great." He smiled and winked at Sabrina before taking a customer's order.

"Well we better go home and ask now." Kay said finishing her ice cream.

"Yea. Bye Frank!" Sabrina waved and put a whole five dollar bill in the tip jar.

"Sabrina why did you just give him five dollars?"

"Cause he invited us to his birthday.........and he winked at me......" she shrugged

"Okay then, why dont you just give the next newsie who winks at you five bucks." I chuckled with Kay.

"Okay." Sabrina shrugged and walked up to a tall newsie with a cowboy hat on

"Buy a pape lady?" he asked pretending to be sick

"Nice act, sure I'll bye a paper from you." She said and he winked at her as she fished around in her purse.

"Thanks" He said and his eyes bulged out as she handed him the five

"No, thank you." She said and walked back to us.

"Nice." I complimented as we started walking towards our houses.

"Why thank you." She giggled.

"Hey! Wait up!" we heard a voice call from behind

"Yes?" Sabrina asked realizing it was the newsie with the cowboy hat

"I cant ya money." He said handing it back to her

"Yes you can. See?" she replied, taking his hand and putting the money back in it.

"No. I cant take five bucks from ya lady!" he said exasperated

"All I ask is that you use this money to buy you and the rest of the newsies dinner." she replied trying to make him accept it

"Fine. Thank you very much." he said giving up as he put the money in his pocket.

"Have a nice day." Sabrina said

"You too. Bye Kayleigh." he winked at Kay before he sped off.

Her cheeks immediately flushed pink and her eyes almost shot out of her head.

"Kay you alright there?" I asked

"Ya no I'm good." she said brushing it off

"How'd he know your name?"

"I don't know he probably works for my dad." she shrugged

"Well, on that note, see you guys tomorrow!" Sabrina waved and walked up to her house, Mr. Hearst's mansion.

"Bye Sabrina!" we replied and headed off again.

"She's so stupid around guys." Kay chuckled

"So true." I laughed with her.

"I gotta finish my article for tomorrow, bye" Kay waved and walked p to Pulitzer's mansion, her home.

"Bye." I said and walked to my house.

I hated that place more than anything. More than school, more than Mrs. Griffin, more than cheeky boys, more than anything. I was lucky today though, Snyder, my dad, wasn't home today.

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