Chapter 1

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AN: In collaboration with DarkDrawerJ and RedGlitchFox, we put our heads together to write what we hope is a fun ride. We want to shake things up in Classroom of the Elite and we have the man for the job! Crossposted on!

What does it take to reach the top?

This is a rather vague question that receives even vaguer answers, but I found myself thinking this over as of late after finally finishing the last novel in a series. It was pretty irritating in many ways, because it only serves to solidify how I feel about how the world works. In the Novel, we get to watch from the viewpoint of the protagonist who was trained from an early age to excel in every aspect of what a human would believe is needed to reach the top of the world.

Naturally, there are many characters in it, each with their own personalities and one of the most glaring aspects is which characters would excel.

I've been keeping up with this series for a couple of years now until it finally released the final volume last week and I can only sigh at the outcome.

In the end, only those willing to change themselves to fill a needed role or put on a facade long enough to deceive others were able to reach the ending where they manage to build a happy ending for themselves while those who were honest to a fault were quickly removed as the story progresses.

In the end, the ones who deceived were rewarded and the ones who stayed true to themselves were punished.

How frighteningly accurate. I'm getting chills.

It was a shame too as many of the characters in the story were cute. I could tell the artist was very loving in their creations, but unfortunately most of the ones I liked ended up taken out of the story too early! The protagonist had all these alleged "capabilities", but he just ignored all these genuinely nice girls who cared about him? If it were me in his place, I'd do things differently! I'd start from the beginning where-

"Don't you think you should give up your seat?"

What an asinine question. I'm in the comfort of my own room, why should I give up my spot? Wait, I don't recognize that voice.

Opening my eyes, I could see that I was not in the comfort of my own room, but a bus filled with a bunch of passengers all looking in one direction.

It was an argument that I had to blink twice to really believe I was hearing right.

"You there, can't you see the old woman having trouble?" An office lady was next to an old woman standing in front of a young and well built man sitting in what looked like the priority seat. Everyone was drawing their attention to the commotion she was creating, but the man in question didn't seem too bothered, merely smiling as he crossed his legs, showing a rather flippant attitude.

"That's a really crazy question, lady." He responded, looking apathetic towards however she was feeling. "Why should I give this seat to an old woman? There's absolutely no reason for me to give it up."

I can't believe that I was witnessing an eerily familiar scene, as if watching it straight from a television. I was able to vaguely recall how this exchange went from the Office Lady getting more and more agitated as the conversation continued until it reached a standstill where the blonde highschooler decided to put on his headphones to begin listening to music, tuning out the frustrated Office Lady as the Old Woman tried to reassure her that she was quite alright, not wanting to escalate the situation any further.

"Um, I also think that the lady is right."

And there she was. There was no doubt in my mind that this was happening as in front of me stood a beautiful girl with beige colored hair as well as a body figure that a certain female I knew from my past would find herself hard pressed to match.

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