Addicted (jennie)

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Y/n's POV
Taking the bus to my apartment after the busy day I had. When getting there I look at the PO box for my apartment number only to see many unpaid Bills. I shut the door right behind me looking for my mother. She's been sick these past months and barely can even hold up a cup of water. We've visited the doctor weekly for her check-up and the medical bills keep rising. I basically work 24/7 except when I have to care of my mother.

"Hi, mom I'm going to prepare us some food do you want something in particular?" I asked with a smile caressing her arm. She was in her bedroom covered with blankets and her arms sticking out. She could only nod slowly. After that she closed her eyes again.

"I'll be right back I got to go get some groceries." With that I kiss her on the forehead. And leave to the store. I was getting the only things I need and went to the cashier. After buying the groceries I headed back home.

I prepared some soup for us. I headed upstairs with two bowls of soup. I put them on the bedside table and started feeding her first. I talked to her about my day even if she couldn't reply back to me. After that she closed her eyes and fell asleep. I cleaned everything up and head to the living room. I got the couch ready with a pillow and a blanket and went to sleep.

The next day it was the same routine going to work early and skipping my lunch break hoping to get more hours on the clock. After my shift was over I head to my other work being a barista at a cafe. It was around 2 PM when I start the shift. It was going great until the bell rings indicating that a customer just came but to our luck it was the most difficult person ever.

"Hello can I get the regular please," she said in that cold voice of hers. She always has this stern look on her face and oh those cat eyes that can burn holes right through you. I put in her order and asked another coworker to do it for me cause I was busy taking other orders. To my dismay, the cat-eye girl rolls her eyes and interrupts.

"No I want you to do it" she said sternly crossing her arms and giving me a challenging look.

"I'm sorry ma'am it would be quicker if the other barista did it for you I'm quite busy." I said politely hoping she would let it go. She just hissed rolling her eyes for the trillion times now.

"I can wait I have time to burn anyway" she said going to an empty table. taking out some papers from her business bag. I was taking other orders hoping she would just give up and leave. Finishing all the orders of the other customers she was still waiting at the same spot continuing to write things down on the papers. I gave up and started doing her order and giving an extra dessert for my rude behavior. walking towards her with the order. I placed it down carefully and was about to leave when her voice stopped me.

"Wait miss y/n how did I do now?" she asked with a smirk on her face. I turned around and replied with an eye roll and went back to work. She has been doing this for the past 2 months coming in here and waiting for me to do her order ill have to admit she lasted longer than other days. Usually, she would leave angry and tell me ill pay for it next time.

I looked up at the starry night waiting for the bus to come. It usually comes at 12 and it's the last stop to come at night. I couldn't have missed it. I got here at 11:50. I'll wait another 20 minutes just to be sure that I didn't miss it. After the minutes went by I look at my phone see it's already 12:20 so I decided walk home instead. It very dangerous to walk home alone especially if it's already dark outside but I have no other choice.

When walking on the bridge heading home I felt like someone was follow me since a long time ago. I would turn around and see nobody so I would just brush it off, but when I felt someone grab my hand and cover my mouth I panicked. I didn't know what to do and I blacked out.

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