Theo to the rescue: Imagine Requested by Serena_Vivi

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TW: Mental breakdowns and trauma 

It was late, maybe two or three in the morning. You had had another reoccurring nightmare about the trauma you had experienced away from Hogwarts. Mattheo was staying the night and was sleeping soundly beside you when you jolted upright out of bed sweating and panting. Memories bombarded you as you came to. You squeezed your eyes shut against the tsunami of images flashing in front of your eyes. You scrubbed at your eyes with the palm of your hand trying desperately to stop seeing these things.  You began to whimper as tears started to flow. The images began to flash faster and you began beating your head. 

"Love?" You hear groggily. "Love!" Mattheo is at full attention at this point. He crawled in front of you wearing a black tank top. He pried your hands away from you and made you open your eyes. "Hey, hey Darling" He spoke gently and held your hands in his. "Look at me. Did I tell you about the little stray puppy I saw by the Black Lake yesterday?" He began trying to distract you. You shook your head. "Yes love, he was a little spotted brown and black dog with big floppy ears and great big brown paws this big!" he spoke gently and held up his hands as an example. You felt your breath start to even out. "Yeah, and his ears flopped side to side when he ran. And he yipped chasing his tail around." Mattheo drilled on about the dog until your breathing was calm again. 

"There we go baby," Mattheo said and pulled you to his chest. "Bad dream?" he asked and scooted back up to your pillows. "Yeah," You answered. He tucked you in soundly against him and began playing with your hair. He swirled it in and out between his fingers while his other hand scratched light circles against your back. You breathed in his old cologne smell and pressed a kiss to his chest. "Thank you Theo honey" You spoke as he pressed a kiss to your head. The soothing feeling of his smell in your nose and his swirling hands against you lulled you to sleep. 

A/n: IDK you yet by Alexander 23 started playing as I wrote this so you might want to listen to it as you read. But thank you so much for the request! I enjoyed it!

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