Jackie gently pushed her away and slid off the counter. "Are you going to tell me where you're going, or not?" She never looked up at her friend as she waited for her answer.

Ginger sighed in resignation, "The Boiler Room. It's in Gainesville."

Jackie pushed passed her and whispered, "Thank you," then walked into the bathroom and slammed the door.

Ginger tried to open it, but it was locked. "Come on, Jackie, don't be like this!"

"How do you want me to be? You're being reckless and expecting me to just let you."

"Fine, be that way! You're my friend, not my mother. I'll see you tomorrow." Ginger grabbed her makeup bag and her purse slipped on her heels and left.

* * * * *

Peter took out his phone to text Jackie and let her know they had made it to the motel. We are here. I will come to see you after we get things unloaded.

No. Come now and bring Hawk and Han. Rm. 118. Peter read the text several times, trying to figure out what she wanted. "I think something is wrong, Han." He looked worriedly at him.

"What's going on?"

"I am not sure, but Jackie wants us to come to her room now, with Hawk."

"That's weird. Well, there's only one way to find out what she wants." He parked his car and got out. He was surprised as he turned around to find Peter standing in front of him. "Holy shit, Peter! How did you get over here so fast?"

"I am worried about Jackie. You get Hawk, I am going to her room." Peter jogged off before Han could say anything. He knocked, and the door opened almost immediately. He could tell that Jackie had been crying. "What is wrong, milaya moya?"

"Where's Han and Hawk?"

He stepped inside and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. "They will be here in a moment. Han is waiting for Hawk." He stepped back from her and caressed her cheek, still sticky from her drying tears. "Are you alright?"

"I will be."

"Whoa! Should we come back later?" Han gave a strained laugh.

Jackie looked over to find Han and Hawk standing in the doorway. "Come in." They stepped inside, and Jackie shut the door behind them, then walked over to her bed and sat down. She looked directly at Hawk and stated, "Ginger has been acting really weird since we got here. We talked last night, and she told me about the other night and about the last time."

"Okay, I'm lost," Han interrupted.

Jackie looked up at him. "You're supposed to be. This is need to know, and you don't need to know."

"Then, why am I here?"

"Give me time, and you'll understand." She looked back at Hawk's shocked face and knew that he understood what she was saying. She continued, "This morning she started acting even more strange. We were at the café having breakfast, and she started teasing Collin about always being in our private lives. She asked him to sleep with her, and when he refused, she said she was going out."

"I don't understand what the big deal is. I mean, yeah, the thing with Collin was a bit strange, but she's a grown-ass woman. If she wants to go out, that's her business." Han looked at Hawk, Peter, and Jackie with relief and confusion at their worried expressions.

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