Chapter 121-125

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Hearing someone ask, Judy spoke again. “His name is Keenley. He is indeed a police officer of the San Francisco Police Department, but according to the police system, he died five years ago.”


“Could it be that he just looks like him?” asked Willy.

Judy shook her head and said, “Impossible. Even twins can recognize faces. The comparison can’t be wrong. Moreover, the definition of the death broadcast is too high, so there is no possibility of the photo being blurred and causing errors. He is Keenley.”

“Can he resurrect the dead?!”

“How is that possible? What are you thinking? Either Keenley isn’t dead at all, or the Death Judge disguised himself as Keenley with technology that we can’t imagine!” Hart said. As a trace expert, he knew more about this than others.

“What kind of technology can disguise someone as the same person?”

“Have you seen a movie? It’s that kind of 3D printed human face mask. Although this technology was available during the Cold War, it’s very crude. It can’t achieve the same effect as in the movie. Its practicality is very poor,” Hart explained, then, he took a look at the information Judy found on Keenley and continued.

“If this Keenley is a Death Inquisitor in disguise, then the technology he has is beyond our imagination. Not only does his face look like a person, from the live broadcast just now, but even his height and build are also almost exactly the same.”

“What if this person is Keenley?”

“If that’s the case, then it’s even more terrifying. The person who died’five years ago has become the Death Inquisitor’s person, and his live broadcast only started last month. It’s an unimaginable ability to lay out a plan!”

“Could Keenley be the Death Inquisitor himself?”

“That’s not very likely. Keenley’s grades weren’t outstanding when he was in school, and the Death Inquisitor couldn’t have let us discover his true identity so easily.”

“No matter what, it seems that the Death Inquisitor’s ability is more terrifying than we thought.” Ross shook his head, sighed, and said, “Hurry up and contact the San Francisco Police to chase after the prison van.”

When they heard this, they were a little silent. Looking at the crowd, Ross also understood why they wanted the five animals to die, and the only one who could do that was the Death Inquisitor. They did not want to prevent this matter from happening. Moreover, this matter happened in San Francisco, and it was not their place to interfere.

Ross could not help but sigh. The influence of the Death Inquisitor had already penetrated so deeply into their police force, not to mention its prestige among the ordinary people. After this matter was over, the Death Inquisitor would probably win the support of all the American people.

Thinking of this, Ross continued, “Don’t forget your identity and position! Moreover, if the Death Inquisitor was so easily caught, we would have caught him long ago.”

Hearing this, the crowd reacted.

“The trial has already ended. I’ll go and contact Victor,” Loggins immediately said. As the first police officer to be pulled into the Death Inquisitor’s live broadcast and be severely humiliated, he really wanted to catch the Inquisitor.

He was not like Judy and Monica, who were almost fans of the Death Inquisitor. On the contrary, because he was dragged into the live broadcast, he hated the Death Inquisitor very much. It was only because of his sense of justice just now that he could not bear to see such an animal like him continue to live.

Livestream: The Adjudicator of DeathTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon