Chapter 3: Optimus Meet Yusei's friends

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Meanwhile in the old subway, four of Yusei's friends are waiting for him to come back. Then they heard a duel engine sound.

"Oh hey! Yusei's back!" Rally called out as the hum of a familiar Duel Runner came echoing through their hide out.

"Oh Yusei! Thank goodness!" Nervin, the glasses wearing blue haired man called out as the other two along with Rally went up to him. "Did you hear that explosion? And wait? Did you repaint the Runner? The red looks much nicer..."

Yusei got off the bike almost quickly, pacing back at it as if it was some kind of foreign being.

Rally, a small red headed child looked surprised at Yusei. "Yusei, what's wrong?"

"I believe there is much to talk about."

Everyone, in utter disbelief, turned to where the voice came from: Yusei's runner.

"Did... did that bike just talk?" The one wearing a bandana, Blitz, asked as he pointed to the bike.

"You all might want to step back." Yusei vaguely warned as he took two cautious steps back, taking Rally with him.

Blitz, Tank, and Nervin looked at Yusei confusingly but followed his directions.

At this, everyone was shocked to see Yusei's bike transform into a much bigger robot that needed to kneel down in order to fit in the old subway area they were in.

The three older men just gapped in shock. Nervin took a step back, Tank fell to the gorund, much like Yusei, and Blitz was just standing there paralyzed.


"Oh. My. God!" Rally cried before stars filled his eyes. "A giant robot! This is so cool!" Rally squealed before running up to Oprtimus and looking around him like an excited kid during Christmas.

Yusei tried to hold him back, but Rally just ran happily towards the giant robot and cooed at how cool it was. He cooed in awe as he pretty much raced from side to side of the robot, asking rapid fire questions that no one could really make out from the excitable child nor were in quite the mental state to catch. Optimus himself didn't quite understand what "Kung-fu action grip and Mega Beam of Justice" was, but question did manage to catch his attention.

"What is your name? Where did you come from?" Rally asked with wide eyes.

"I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, a race of Cybertronians from the planet Cybertron."

Rally gasped in awe, and amazingly the stars in his eyes just grew three times that day. "You're a robot alien!? THAT'S EVEN COOLER!"

"Y-Y-You're an alien?" Tank stammered as he pointed to Optimus.

"Perhaps I should start from the beginning."

"Yes," Nervin stepped forward, a little more reorganized. "Can you please explain who you are and what is going on?"

"It will take some time though."

"We will listen to whatever you have to say." Yusei spoke out. "First off, these are my friends Blitz, Nervin, Tank, and that one is Rally." Yusei explained as he introduced everyone to the massive robot.

"I see. Well then, first you must know of Cybertron, my home world and its history..."

Everyone, especially Rally was in awe as Prime regaled the tale of Cybertron, once a shinning beacon of its golden age then descending into madness of a Civil War. Yusei felt a sense of familiarity as Optimus told about his friend Megatron who at first had noble intentions, but then revealed his violent nature. The small group of humans listened in awe as an ageless war was raged across their solar system and how it eventually tore apart their home world to the point it was inhabitable, and eventually how they barely escaped with the Decepticons breathing down their neck. (A slight combination of the The Fall of Cybertron Video Game and Tranfromer's Prime back story.)

They all had mixed reactions, most of the older men were still stunned in disbelief, but the fact that a giant talking, sentient robot was speaking did not leave any room for argument. For Rally, he felt sad for Prime, because he must have been tired of all that fighting.

"The last thing I recalled was fighting Megatron in a duel to the death, before both of our ships were caught in the wormhole's gravitational pull. Seeing as how I ended up here, I must have fallen of trajectory from my companions and the others."

"That is unbelievable! We're not just talking to an alien, but a giant, robotic alien leader that can shoot lasers and transform into different vehicles! T-This is history in the making!" Nervine gasped out of shock before he remembered something and looked to the raven haired man. "Hey wait a sec Yusei. If this is Optimus, then where's your duel runner?"

Yusei looked away.

"If you mean his transportation, I accidentally destroyed on impact. I apologize for that." Optimus spoke out.

Yusei was surprised at how kind and humble the robot was, especially considering he was a war general. "You obviously didn't mean it. So don't worry about it."

"But Yusei! You've been working on that Duel Runner for almost two years!" Rally exclaimed. "And the plan is supposed to be next month!"

Optimus seemed to be confused at the pacing of this conversation. "I apologize. It appears I am not understanding this situation."

"Wow does this mean we'll be the first contact in teaching alien life our ways?" Nervine started ponderously. "Where do we begin?"

"Start with the Zero Reverse." Yusei began before everyone looked to him. "Optimus, you told us about your world, so it's fair that we tell you much about our world. But before that you might need a recap of our history as well."

Optimus's eyes shined. While he should start looking for his Autobots, he had no idea of this world's culture or society. The last thing he wanted was to wage a war on both the Decepticons and these Human beings, so making peaceful relations with them would be hopefully beneficial to them.

"You have listened to my story, so it is only fair that I listen to yours."

In the absolute dead of night, Optimus Prime stood out under a broken and old freeway as his optics zoomed in on the bright city across the sea-Neo Domino City.

He glanced over to Yusei. "So you need to get there soon, correct?"

"It's not really necessary. I could simply... start from scratch all over again." He sighed as those words escaped his mouth.

"No. I will help you get to this Neo Domino City." Optimus spoke out, surprising Yusei.

"But Optimus, you said that you needed to find your people soon if your enemies were right on top of them!" Yusei spoke out. From what Optimus said, he had an urgent cause to solve soon, so why would he help settle a personal score between him and Jack?

"Then perhaps we can help one another. My scans show that I am unable to connect to any of my com links due to a strange interference on this planet. And from what you described, I am more than likely the only one of my kind here in the Satellite. If I have any chance of finding the Autobots, I will aid you in settling your score with your former friend, and find more clues in the more metropolitan areas."

"Thank you Optimus. I know you are probably worried for your friends."

"I am. However, I believe it is best if I were to remain the guise of your Runner for a while. I am not entirely sure if this place is void of Decepticons."

"I'll be on the lookout for them." Yusei spoke out. "But I also promise as soon as I'm done with Jack, I'll help you find your friends."

Optimus nodded in thanks as he looked back towards the city, his blue eyes shining as he looked over to the proud Autobot symbol he wore on his shoulders. "Thank you. However... I fear that perhaps there may be more to this than meets the eye. But I sense my four allies are in New Domino City."

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