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     I sighed, getting off my bed. I walked into my closet to change, just something simple. I've never really talked to this guy, but he was cool. I've seen a few videos.

     I went with a white short sleeve shirt, a black mini skirt, and just some knee socks. I did my hair on a simple way, not too fancy at all.

    Before the show started, I knew I'd get hungry. I grabbed a water bottle and a small bowl of watermelon just to have on my desk. I opened up discord and clicked the link to the zoom meeting, and soon enough I was in. I was one of the first people in there, as I was about 25 minutes early. Swagger was already in the meeting with Austin, so it was just us three. "Wow, Sage!" Austin said in his iconic voice. I smiled. "You've changed since high school!" He smiled. "Yeah, you could definitely say that," I looked down at the 'Leave Call' button, tempted to press it.

    About 20 minutes later, the show started. All the girls took their turns and it came to me. Shit. I froze up, the words wouldn't leave my mouth for a second. "H-hello-" I stuttered out. FUCK! "Uh- I'm Sage, I'm a weed smoking gamer girl looking for an equal stoner." I muted myself quickly. "Well hello Sage," Swagger said, "You might be in the right place." He chuckled. This was really the only reaction he gave to any of the girls, but why to me?

   The first elimination, then the second, and so on. it was just Love or Host, nothing new to it. It's always the same, it gets awkward, it gets romantic, it gets weird, and they never end up liking who they pick.

   It was down to me and another girl. Her name was 'Jelly' but it was spelled with an extra 'L'. "I'm sorry Jelly, but we gotta go." She seemed furious. "What the fuck?" Swagger squinted his eyes. I giggled a bit, still on mute from earlier. Quite obviously, I'm not a girl of many words.

   "We finally got Jelly to leave," Austin said, exhausted. "But now, Sage and Swagger, what do you pick?" I liked him. I really did. He made m laugh and smile, he seemed like a good stoner. I unmuted myself and leaned into the mic because I know they couldn't hear me if I said anything. "Love," I said shyly. Swagger cheered, Standing up from his chair with his hands above his head. "Yes!" He shouted. I smiled and leaned away from my microphone. "You two's discords are in the chatbox, add each other!" Austin said, leaving the zoom call. I looked over at discord, where I'd been secretly messaging Austin throughout the show. I added Swagger before he could add me, smiling at the fact I defeated his typing skills. He accepted the request and we both left zoom, then joining discord.

Ringing SwaggerSouls.
Ringing SwaggerSouls..
Ringing SwaggerSouls...

   "Hello!" His voice rung through my ears. I smiled. "Hi!" I said back. "I noticed you don't talk much at all, but hey, a stoner needs peace to get stoned sometimes." He chuckled. I laughed along with him. "Yeah I sorta made a fool of myself in the beginning so I didn't really want to say anymore." I said, shoving a smaller piece of watermelon into my mouth. "Also be ready to hear a lot about watermelon because I'm literally addicted to it." He laughed again.

   "How long have you been smoking?" He asked me. "Too long," I said. "I was underage when I started." I admittedly said, again shoving a piece of watermelon in my mouth. "Also if you're gonna ask about my vape if watermelon flavoured." I smiled. "I started underage too. I think it was my freshman year of highschool?" He tried to remember. "Something like that though." I nodded. "I prefer joints over anything else though." I said. "Okay you're one of those people," He said in a weird tone. 'Fuck did I say something wrong?' My eyes widened and I looked over at my phone, which was beside the half full bowl. "You went quiet, you okay?" He asked. "Uhm- Yes?" I said, trying to make it sound real. "Did I say something wrong?" I panicked.

Agoraphobia ; A SwaggerSouls FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now